Doggy DayCare

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“Wake up” I heard Sierra say, I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

“Alan the movie just ended, and I’m hungry but I don’t want to get up.”

“So?” I mumbled and tried to roll over but instead I fell off the couch.

“So? You are already up” She snickered, and I got up from and looked at her, a smile was spread across her face, and she was all cuddled up in a huge sweatshirt. She looked so adorable all cuddled up; just I wanted to just cuddle up next to her like a cat.

“Alan? Can you stop looking at me like that and make me a sandwich?” She got up and waved her hand in front of my face, that’s when I saw what looked like a small dog next to her until it sat up. It turned out to be a very large and scary looking German Shepard.

“Is that yours?” I asked pointing at the dog, which looked at me and growled.

“Yeah, this is Jeffree. He comes everywhere with me. Well kind of everywhere” She smiled and patted the dog’s head, which ran to the back room of the bus.

“Cute dog, he seems trained” I stated as I stared to get up and make her sandwich.

“Yeah, I got lonely when I didn’t have my friend around for the longest time. So I got Jeffree when he was a small puppy.”  She started to unravel in her blanket and come up to me, she was in a large sweater and some shorts. I wish I could just hug her, pick her up and kiss her. Woah, Alan chill, you just meet the girl, don’t get over yourself here.

“You lived on your own? Krissy told me you have a pretty big house” She came next to me, and shrugged her shoulders.

“Eh, it’s not that big but it’s big enough. Being a writer and all, I really don’t need much” She sighed, and took a knife out from the drawers.

“My favorite thing though” She started talking but stopped to cut the sandwich in half, she grabbed one piece and handed it to me, then took the other.

“Is sharing, so basically my house became everyone’s. Krissy lived with me for a while, Becca, Ryan now I have three boys living there. One of them to which just got out of jail.” I smiled at her, and took a bite out of my half of the sandwich.

“So what happened? Why did you leave?” She finished off her half and looked at me; she pulled her hands into her jacket and looked like she was going to cry.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“

“No its fine, I had to get out of there. I wanted nothing more to then leave. It was just-“She stopped and I could tell she was about to cry. I wrapped my arms around her, and I could feel her tears just start to fall. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me as close as she could. Just her being in my arms, sent a shiver um my spine the way her small hands were placed on my back and my arms around her neck. Her head lay on my chest as I held her and let her cry softly.

“They kept fighting and fighting.  The two of them got into a huge blow out fight and punched each other, then I walked in on the one kissing his ex after me and him like-“She paused and looked at me, we were sitting down now, and I held her in my arms as she explained to me everything that went on and that is going on now.  She was like the fans, they all had a story, and they all have problems. I just happened to have feelings for her, and seeing her cry like she is, it not only hurts her but it pains me. I can feel my heart break with every tear that falls from her beautiful eyes.

“it’s okay” I said as she cuddled up close to me again, holding onto my shirt for dear life.

“Wanna watch another movie?” I whispered to her, as I moved her hair out of her face gently.

Alan's Story (Alan Ashby Fan-fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon