We are the Arctic Monkeys

Start from the beginning

I tilted my head down, the image of that day catching life in my mind, making me smile. Many girls were slightly disappointed, now knowing that Alex Turner was in love with someone, but most of them were just keen to know the story. Isaac put a hand on my shoulder, smiling widely. He set this up, didn't he..

"She was writing a composition, I recall. I tried to make small talk but she just shut me up. She didn't like small talk. Actually, she didn't like to talk. A series of happy events followed. A fake name invented, a favorite book forgotten, a flower bouquet, a fluffy dog, a Tv show, medicines, a deep talk, books, music, school, passions, a failed date asked at the radio, a cruel manager, a get-drunk opportunity, a small bump, a touch, a night. Than, I had to leave."

It became hard for me to hold back the tears now. I can still picture every moment he mentioned as if it happened yesterday. And they're all happy and pure and real. But they still hurt.

"Don't cry, my love." He said, his eyes on me. Most people now realized that it was all about me. Skyler, who standing on my right, put a hand on my shoulder. Katie was giving me an encouraging smile. Isaac wasn't even there anymore.

"... This job of being a rock star has only brought me one thing to regret: having to leave Phoebe Phillis. Fortunately, she's here and she can hear me say, for the millionth time: I'm sorry. We haven't seen for a long time since that unfortunate day when I left her. I remember, she was getting ready for school, trying to stay strong. At that moment, she broke my heart. She was making me suffer with her honest feelings. Knowing that she usually rejects human presence, stirring a mass of tears inside of her made me, for the first time, feel like a monster. But I had no choice but do the monstrous thing I had done so many times before: forget. And it would have all worked if only... she hadn't made me truly love her."

The sound of a soft classic guitar broke the silence and the beautiful song Only Ones Who Know made girls and boys pair up and slow dance.

As he sang, he kept looking at me. I was trying not to cry. I missed him. I've wanted him near me, all this time. Now he's here. Just as he promised. The song ended and Alex sat back down.

"Ya know, she's very beautiful. She's... She's so simple... She's so innocent and smart and kind and pure. You're probably wondering why I left. We were on tour in Ireland. And she.. She lives in Ireland. And we live in London. And we have lots of band things to do. So I had to leave. The greatest thing of all is that we've known each other since we were kids. We had a common best friend. She despised me, I still don't know why. We didn't talk much, but I've had a crush on her since forever. And when our friend left for Ireland, we really had no reason to change another word. Technically, I haven't seen her for 9 years. I am three years older than she is. She left for Ireland at 14. My mom was the one to tell me that our neighbors' daughter was moving away to study. When we met in Ireland that rainy day, she asked me:' Do I know you?' I realized she didn't recognize me. In childhood, she never knew my real name. She thought my name was Axel. And this is what everyone called me. So maybe it would have been better for her to know. Well, I know she knows the whole truth. Isaac's updated you, hasn't he?"

He looks at me, smirking, waiting for a reply. I nod, smiling.

"Phoebe. I am sorry."

He places his guitar on the chair and comes off the stage, all the people making room for him to get to me.

"I'm sorry." He says as he hugs me tight, nudging his head towards mine."I'm sorry, I am so sorry. We'll work it out this time, I promise. We'll be just fine, I love you."

I tried to reply but all I did was cry, both of sadness because he had to leave that day and also of joy, because he kept his promise of returning. I just hiccuped between my tears and hugged him tight, tiptoeing in order to cling to his neck.

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