12. Not A Damsel In Distress Sleepover P.2

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A/n: So about 2/3 days ago in the afternoon I was drawing, and decided to draw Nico. The pic above is it... Plz don't hate, bc I tried trying my best. Sorry for not updating for 2/3 days, blah blah blah. Also, enjoy this chapter.

"HELP-mph!" I tried screaming for help, but the cyclops' big ugly fingers just covered my mouth. "Hush up, pretty." He said. 'Pretty?! Who does this big oaf think he is?!' I screamed in my mind. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I know I wouldn't like it.
"Y/n? Y/n, where are you?!" I heard Nico yell. "Mmph!" I tried screaming again, but it came out muffled. I started to feel tears welling up in my eyes. What if this is the end for me? The cyclops started walking away from where I heard Nico. 'Why is he walking away? Don't cyclops usually walk towards more food?' I thought."No more snacks for Grie. Just you. If your friend finds Grie, he might have back up. And he might kill Grie." The cyclops chuckled, as if he read my thoughts. 'Dang, this is one smart cyclops... sort of.' I thought.
"Y/n?!" I heard Nico's voice one last time, getting fainter. More tears formed up in my eyes, but thought of an idea. I would so regret it, but it might save my life. I bit his hand, hard. "YOW!!!" Grie yelled, and dropped me. "NICO-" I tried screaming again, but the cyclops grabbed me. I accidentally dropped Megaloprepís, while he grabbed me. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like your death will come faster than you think." The cyclops grinned evilly at me. If I tried biting him again, even though I would never ever do again, he might catch me again and crush me, and that would be the end. "MMPH!" My screams muffled, and I felt tears run down my face. The cyclops walked on farther past the woods, passing the Camp borders.

NICO'S P.O.V. (Earlier)
After Percy threw a water balloon at Y/n, I ran into the woods with my bucket. I struggled to run, because the bucket was a little heavy. I stopped when I checked to make sure no one was behind me. I held onto my knees and tried to catch my breath. That's when a big water balloon hit my head. I was shocked, and turned around to see Y/n giggling. "Hey!" I laughed. I saw Y/n run and duck behind a rock. I followed her, and grabbed a water balloon from my bucket. I saw her try to peek up from behind the rock, and I threw my balloon at the chance. It hit her face, and I yelled,"Nice PJ's Y/n!". I could see her blush in the moonlight, and I laughed. She threw two more water balloons at my chest. "Oh, I'm gonna get you!" I smirked. "Ah!" She laughed, and ran faster than I could. I had to stop and catch my breath again. "Man, I really do need to run more." I said. I chuckled, and remembered when Y/n told me that. She always knew how to make me smile and laugh, even when she doesn't know it. Even in random moments like this, I think of her. Even when I think of her, I smile. I was for sure that I was blushing right now. My thoughts were interrupted...
"AGH! LET ME GO!" I heard Y/n scream. 'Oh no.' I thought.
I ran deeper into the woods. It was getting even darker, closer to midnight. "HELP-mph!" I heard Y/n scream again, but her voice sounded muffled. I ran even faster, and yelled her name. "Y/n? Y/n, where are you?!" I yelled. I was worried. What if she got killed because of me? What if she's badly injured, and I can't find her?! 'No. She's gonna be fine. She's tough.' I thought. She's one of my friends, and I love my friends. I care about my friends, I care about her.
I kept on running, and didn't stop to catch my breath this time. "Y/n?!" I called her name again. 'Why won't she yell back?' I thought. I looked and ran everywhere I could. That's when I heard,"YOW!!!". "That doesn't sound like Y/n." I told myself. "NICO-" I heard Y/n yell.
"Y/n." I whispered her name under my breath. I ran to where I heard her voice. I stopped in my tracks, and hid behind a tree. I saw a big ugly cyclops holding Y/n in his fat, meaty hands. Neither of them saw me. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like your death will come faster than you think." The cyclops said. I restrained myself from running towards the cyclops, and hit him. First off, he might see me too, and catch me and we'd both be in trouble. Second off, what if he decided to choke or crush Y/n, and I was too late to save her.
"MMPH!" Y/n muffled under his grip. I saw her cry, and I immediately felt anger. I saw the tree that I was hiding behind, start to turn black and die. The grass around me died, too. I let go of the tree, and started to walk, but saw something glistening on the ground. I bent down and picked up a ring. Y/n's ring, Majesty. I put it in my pocket, and followed the Cyclops...more plants around me started to die.

Love is as Painful as Death (A Nico di Angelo X Reader Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें