Chapter 46: Talking

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I accidently deleted the chapter so I have to write it again :(


I did a bit of a run up and bashed open the door to see Bella in the bath tub crying her eyes out.


(Zayn's POV)

Liam and I raced over towards the bath tub and went to go and comfort Bella.

"What's wrong??" Liam asked.

She got up and turned herself so she was facing us. Bella looked like a monster no offense with mascara running down her face and red blotches all over her cheeks.

"I'll start from start" she sobbed.

"This whole thing with Niall, Harry was comforting me all the time and my head was telling me that I started to like Harry. We were just talking and suddenly he lent in a kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back because I thought it would help me sort out my feelings. Once we pulled back I realized that I didn't like him as that I only liked Niall. So that's why I ran out because I thought I might of led Harry on. I started to think harder and it made me think about everything that has happened! Why did I do wrong??" she cried.

"Bella you did nothing wrong!" I stated.

"I think you should talk to Harry and it will made you feel better" Liam said.

"Yeah maybe I should" she answered.

We got up and headed into the lounge room and continued playing our video games.

(Bella's POV)

The boys left the room and I went to clean up my face because of my mascara was dripping all over it. Once I was finished I put all of my things away and I went down towards Harry's bedroom door.

(Harry's POV)

Louis and I were talking about random stuff and we suddenly heard two knocks on the door.

I got up and opened the door to see Bella standing there in front of me.

"Hey Harry can I please talk to you privately?" I asked.

"Sure, Louis do you mind?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'll just go and play some video games if you need me!" He stated and walked out of the room.

"So what do you want to talk about" I asked nicely.

We went and sat on the bed so that we could talk further more.

"It's about earlier and the kiss" she said.

"What about it!" I asked.

"I am really sorry because I thought that I liked you and my emotions were telling me it but since I kissed you I realized that its just my love for Niall covering it all up!' She said.

"It's alright Bella" I said.

We just hugged and chatted for a while about random funny things.

"I think I am going to go and to talk to Niall" she said.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes" she said and got up and left the room.


Whoever has the best comment I will dedicate the chapter too. It is only one dedication per person so others can have a dedication!





- Holly xx

P.S I LOVE YOU (One Direction/Niall Horan Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat