Chapter 24: Breakfast

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We carried on watching movies until we all fell asleep in the lounge room.


(Bella's POV)
After watching all different movies from last night I fell asleep because I was so tired from all the shopping and injuries.

Once I woke up in the morning I noticed I still had a packet of frozen peas on my foot. I got up without waking Niall or any of the other boys and limpet my way over to the fridge.

I placed the peas back into the fridge to make them frozen again and I then filled and boiled up the kettle to make myself a hot drink. Whilst the water was boiling I hobbled up the stairs to my room to fetch a pair of ugg boots and fluffy socks because my feet were cold and sore.

Once back into the kitchen I made myself a nice warm cup of fresh tea with two sugars.

I sat myself up at the kitchen table and decided to read through one of my Dolly magazines because it was on the counter. When I finished my tea and magazine I thought I would make the boys breakfast as a nice treat.

I got out some pans, tongs, plates, bacon and eggs. I has made a whole bunch of bacon and eggs as Niall can eat up to about 3 people worth of food plus all of the boys and myself need something to eat as well.

Once I finished cooking I placed everything on a couple of plates and places them onto the table with a cover over it so it wouldn't go cold. I next set the table with cutlery and plates. I then called the boys to come and grab some breakfast which they did come to in the end.

They all came out from the lounge room and plonked themselves down at the table and began eating. I sat down at the end of the table and grabbed a bit of the food and began munching away.

Once breakfast was over I hobbled up the stairs and took a nice long shower and got changed into my clothes for the day.






- Holly xx

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