Wells obviously knew about Lexa and Costia. He's my best friend. I was hoping that he would be a little warmer towards her considering he was well aware that my mother had no idea.

"I'm just kidding, kid. Come here!" He extended his long arms out to her and she walked into them cautiously.


-Lexa's POV-

I walked nervously towards Wells and as his arms wrapped around me a little too tight he whispered words that were meant for only me to hear.

"Abby might not know jack shit, but you better believe I do. We are having a conversation later. You and I."

Ah crap. Of course Wells knew. Now I had to deal with Clarke's overprotective brother figure.

"Mmhmm, sounds good." I said loud enough for everyone to hear in the most joyful voice I could muster.

Abby led everyone over to the table and we all sat down to eat. The mood was light and Wells barely spoke to me. I was dreading the conversation we had to have so I was thankful for the current silence between us. After dinner I offered to help clean but Clarke's mother rushed us all into the living room so we could catch up.

Great. This was going to be fun.

"Aright." I said. "Let me have it." I was ready to just get this talk over with. I knew what he was going to say.

"I don't like you. And I think Clarke deserves better."

"Wells you can't say that!" Clarke interjected."

She looked at me apologetically and tried to take my hand but I wouldn't let her.

"You're right. She does deserve better. Which is why I'm trying to be better."

Clarke looked back and forth between the two of us in silence.

"She like my little sister..."

"I know, Wells. I've done so much apologizing to her. That whole thing was a mistake and I've been spending the last two weeks trying to make it up to her. And she's finally started to forgive me. Things are good."

"Yeah. I know she's trying to forgive you. She told me I had to be nice to you."

"You do have to be nice to her Wells. I've told you. She's important to me."

"Well you don't have to be." I said. "I can handle it. I messed up. There are consequences."

Wells paused for a second and then looked at Clarke who was clearly trying to convey some sort of message to him nonverbally.

"If she can forgive you, I guess I can too. But just so you know Lexa. If you hurt her again I'm gonna have to do something about it."

Clarke let out a nervous laugh. "He doesn't mean that..."

"He does." I looked at her and said quickly. "And that's okay. He loves you and wants to protect you. I have to respect that."

Wells put out his hand for me to shake and I did as firmly as I could.

"Are we okay now?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah, yeah. For now anyway." Wells replied and smiled at Clarke. "You two are kind of cute together I have to admit. Even if it's taking some getting used to." He looked at me. "I'm still mad at you though. Just trying to get past it for her sake."

"Well thanks for that." I laughed.

"If things are good...can we drink now?" Clarke asked with way too big a smile on her face.

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