Chapter 19

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-Clarke's POV-

My interaction with Lexa in the hallway left me a little shaken. It was awkward to say the least.

Seeing her though was really making me reevaluate everything. She was doing everything I had been asking her to. Lexa was leaving me alone, she wasn't pressuring me to talk and wasn't constantly trying to explain herself. The short conversation we had left me wanting more from her. I told myself that it must have been a sign that we bumped into each other just like the first time we met and I promised myself that if I saw her again today in similar circumstances then that was the sign that I needed to finally plan to sit down and talk about every thing.

Flashes of Lexa filled my mind while I was supposed to be studying in the library. It made me wonder if our encounter had left her thinking about me too. After an hour of studying and one more class I headed back to my dorm. As I walked through the doors I saw the elevator start to close and I made a run for it. I threw my hand between the doors and then stepped inside as they opened back up for me.

Once I was situated in the corner of the elevator I noticed that the other person riding with me was Lexa. Of course it was. Of course two days after breaking up I would see her more than I did any other Monday.

I figured a joke might be the best way to break the silence. "Twice in one day. And here I was thinking this campus would be big enough to avoid bumping into you."

"Sorry to disappoint but I do live here. And I think it's a little late in the semester to have my room changed."

Her voice was so cold and disconnected. Was she giving up on me? This was it. This was my sign. If I wanted to have any chance of fixing things between us I needed to act now.

Walking out of the elevator left me with a sense of hope. We were going to plan a time to sit down and talk about everything and figure out where to go from here. I wasn't completely sure what decision I would make still but I knew that whatever I decided that I would be okay and that's all that mattered right now. It was time for me to start putting myself first and that's what I was going to have to keep in mind when Lexa and I talked.

When I got up to my room Raven and Octavia were up there.

"Great! You're home. The boys want to go out to eat." Octavia jumped up and spoke as soon as I opened the door.

"Okay! That sounds fun. Where are we going?"

"We don't know yet! Let's just wing it."

Typical Octavia. She never had a plan.

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Let's do it." I said. I was feeling adventurous and didn't really care where the night took us.

The most important thing to me right now was that I was spending much needed time with Raven and Octavia. At least one good thing came out of all this drama with Lexa and that's that I was able to reconnect with my two best friends. They never asked about things with Lexa and I. Never wanted to know where my head was at and whether or not I was going to forgive her. I think they secretly wanted me to pick Bellamy instead even thought they'd never admit it. That didn't really bother me though. Honestly I'd rather not have the input in this matter because I knew this was a decision I needed to make on my own. They were my friends and I knew that in the end they would support whatever made me happy.

I put my conversation with Lexa and all thoughts about the conversation to come out of my kind for a little while. It was time to let loose and forget about drama for a night and I was so ready for some mindless fun with my friends. All of my issues and decisions would still be there when I woke up tomorrow.

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