Seventeen _ At Every Turn

Start from the beginning

“Umm, shouldn’t I join him? I mean, if Rod wants to …”

“No, Rod didn’t say anything. I just wanted him gone.”

I could only manage a simple ‘Oh’. A wrap of silence fell over us as we started another lap. It was kinda awkward so I opted to break it.

“That’s a lot of people.” I said as we jog-trotted past the guys who were doing stretching exercises and such. “It won’t matter anyway.” I said and he looked at me with a silent ‘why’ on his face. “I’m not very good at this.”

“What?!” Ultimate shock plastered over his features, he exclaimed. “Why did you even let me loan you my shirt, then? My brand new kit?”

“That’s irrelevant. You could’ve gotten me a spare one.”

“But I didn’t.”

“You said, and I quote, ‘I didn’t want to go to the locker room and come back the whole way out here’.”

“Well, that was just an excuse. I just wanted to see you in my shirt,” he grinned, “as well everyone.” That earned him a well-deserved glare.

“And I also wanted to give you something back.” He scratched the back of his head, looking awkward. “Thanks a lot for not reporting me to the board or the principal.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for some time now.” We slowed down and finally stopped some distance from where Rod was surrounded by the newcomers.

“Haha. No, really. I’m already on probation so that kind of harassment would’ve completed my record and of course totally made my day.”

“Well, in that case, you’re welcome.” He gave me a smile and I returned it.

“But just so you know, that wasn’t me sucking up to you for the last 30 minutes. I really want us to be friends. Officially.”

An inadvertent but a heartfelt chuckle left me, “Of course. What do you think we’ve been for the last 30 minutes?”

“Well, I did mention ‘officially’.”

I would’ve countered back was it not for Rodriguez who piped in, quite loudly.

“Mr. Hughes. We could start now. That is, if you are done briefing the Miss.”

That started a laugh riot, but strangely no flushed cheeks! Derek gave me a smile and trotted towards the goal, as did Nicole. Looking around for Steve and not finding him, I joined the other new kids as Rod explained. It didn’t sound to me like a proper program but well, when you’re in Rome, you gotta do it the Roman way, right?


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