Chapter 7 - Edited

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"I hope I didn't do wrong by coming here... I felt you sad, it formed a void inside me, and I had to come see you."

Caliope nodded but did not speak. She still didn't know what to say first. He felt her sad?

"Let me start by saying this. I am here to explain some things to you... to give you answers... but as you hear them, more questions will arise." He looked around the room then back at her. "I am not normal, like anyone you have ever met. Time doesn't move the same way around me... and I can't always control this, not yet at least. So please don't panic, it will delay the explanations I can give you."

That was true, she couldn't afford to panic now, not when he was there, in her home, offering her answers to things she thought impossible, things that made her think she was losing her mind.

"What are you...?"

Amra smiled again, happy to hear her speak. "Do you believe in God?"

Caliope frowned "You won't tell me you are God now."

Amra laughed softly and his laugh was a so full of joy and amusement, she thought how silly her statement was. She smiled.

"No. But do you believe in him?"

"I haven't in a while... but I once did."

"Do you believe in heaven and hell? Angels..."

"I guess it is the same. I haven't in a while. I used to when I was little."

"I am an Angel, which is the quickest answer to all your questions, it is the best straight answer I can give you."
Caliope pondered his words one by one. An Angel, he was an Angel. She started to rationalize this carefully. 'Ok, let's not go into this too deep and philosophical, an Angel, time doesn't move the same way around him, ok, it makes sense'.

"I have been here before only once, a long time ago, and I forgot how to control the things I do. I haven't been wanting to re learn them until I met you."

She felt as her heart was pounding fast again. An Angel, which would explain why Miss Clark said had her reservations towards him, this way she wouldn't ask much, she would not bother to talk to him or to really dig too deep. 'Until he met her...' She had too many questions before getting to what was going on between them.

"And Miss Clark? Is she, your mother?"

Amra chuckled "Hardly. She is also an Angel, but she has been here long, and is helping me. Before you ask, yes, Pronab is also one."

"She didn't want us to stay in contact for long."

Amra nodded "She was worried, and with a good reason. Before I was here on earth, I moved in a different reality, and time moved different around me. You noticed it, you had been feeling it."

"I thought I was losing my mind." She sighed.

"I hadn't realized at first, but Elaine suspected it, and after confirming what I was causing, she asked me to keep in mind the effects on you."

"What happened at the restaurant?"

Amra sighed and adjusted in his seat "Not only time moves different around me; I see things different. If I wish to, and I focus, I see many possibilities. I see all possible results of an action; I saw you in my mind making a call to your friend. I saw you at the restaurant. And no matter what action you took, the outcome was always the same. I had to go there myself. I was hoping you could see me and come out, which you did, but I did not think of what would happen after. I did not think you would return."

"So you can see the future?!" Her breath pitched.

"No. It's not like that. It is... as if I see how one action that you make, leads to many possible results, they are like flashes in my mind, many ways of things that could happen, neither is exact, and neither is completely accurate. I saw you a million times doing a million different things. The explosion would have killed you. And I... I didn't want that to happen to you. I couldn't..."

AwakeningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon