Chapter 8 - Edited

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Caliope woke up and found herself in bed, a blanket covering and giving her warmth. She looked around and there were no signs of Amra. She sat on her bed and took a deep breath, pondering about recent events. Did she dream it all? No, it was real, she knew it was real. She could still feel his perfume, his arms, the warm sensation of his voice and how special she felt now.

"You are awake."

Her face lit up with a smile, as she saw him watching her from the small living room. She patted the seat next to her and he walked into the room to sit by her side. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to feel that emptiness when he wasn't there anymore.

"I thought you were gone... I almost thought it was all a dream."

"I am here, I won't go without saying goodbye."

She smiled, parting from his chest to look up at him.

"I am afraid to ask but, how much 'real' time was I asleep...?"

Amra chuckled "I said I can't control it always, but I am learning it again... you make me work hard for it... it is Saturday afternoon, you probably slept about 7 hours. Good enough?"

"I don't want to but we should let Miss Clark know you are here, she could get worried... worse yet, she could come here with Pronab."

Amra laughed and caressed her cheek with special tenderness. She blushed and laid her head on his hand.
"Oh she knows I am here. She is not happy but she knows. Are you afraid of Pronab?"

"He is strange, polite but strange... I don't know how to act around him."

"You can trust him, and you can trust Elaine too. Now you should eat something."

Amra smirked, as if he had something planned. She raised an eyebrow and looked at him.
"Ok, I am a bit hungry, I can cook something... I guess."

"No, you don't need to, I took care of it... come with me."

He offered her his hand and then led her to the living room. On the table next to the sofa, there were some boxes with the special salad on two plates. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. They both sat on the sofa, and he let her be in charge of putting the sauce over both salads. They ate smiling to each another, then had some juice. After finishing, she picked up the plates and boxes and cleaned the plates into the garbage. He smiled at her as he watched from the door.

"How did you manage to bring this food? Did you called the delivery yourself?"

Amra chuckled "I am not a child Caly... I know how to do a thing or two humans do."

Caliope turned around to face him with a smile and her cheeks blushed.

"No one has called me that besides my friend Vanessa... it feels special when you do."

"I know. You and her have been friends for long, I saw it."

"Can you also see the past?"

"If I have to, and I have not done that with you, I would feel as if I am invading something private."

She smiled and blushed more, walked to him, and held him tight in a hug. She smiled up at him, feeling as if they both were in a bubble.

"I think we are both safe to come out, maybe walk around. I know you might have many questions and I will try to answer some of them."

"I have a billion questions, but I am in no rush. I want to stay here with you longer."

"Then we shall stay."

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