Chapter Two: Lani

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The next afternoon I was leaving school wondering what I would do with the hours left before I could go to Rising SUN when Gina skipped over to my side.
"What's up chica!" She said linking her arm with mines. I shrugged.

"Nothing much. I was just about to go home." I told her.

"Boring. Luis is having a party at his house tonight everyone is going. Its going to be crazy! And Jasmine told me that Carter asked her if you would be there!" She squealed excitedly jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes. My friend Jasmine and her cousin Louis were always throwing parties when their parents would leave for the weekend. I was so over that. The same old things happened each time.

"I'm not going." I told her.

She smacked my arm. "You're going. Carter obviously likes you and wants to hang out with you!"

Carter is this guy that all the girls think is so hot and have crushes on. He was nothing but a player though and I wasn't interested. My mom has warned me about his type, my dad was that type so she would know.

"I don't want to go. Plus I can't anyways. I have to be at Rising SUN at nine tonight."

Gina gasped. "This is about you're mom's boss right? You still like him?"

I was going to answer her when I was bumped into from behind making me drop my books onto the ground. I turned to see Shay Lincoln standing there. "I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." She said as she knelt down to pick up my things. I was kind of in shock. Shay was a senior, two grades ahead of me, and really popular. She played volleyball and was captain of the cheer squad. I've never spoken to her but I didn't expect her to be so nice either. "Its ok. It was a accident." I told her as I knelt also and picked up the rest of my stuff.

"Sorry. I've been so out of it lately." She continued to say as she handed me my things.

"Its really ok." I assured her.

"Shay!" Natalie Scott called out. She was another cheerleader and Shay's friend.
"Bye." She said before jogging off. Gina snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Ok. So anyways. You and your mom's boss. Is something going on? Why does he have you coming there at night?" I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the bus stop. I wish it was something like that. But im pretty sure Joon really just wants me to be a taster. "Where are you going? I'll give you a ride home." 

I was reluctant to take the ride with Gina and have to listen to more of her questions. But then again I seriously hated the bus. Taking the ride was the better option. As predicted Gina questioned me the whole ride home. She kept insisting that something must be going on and I wasn't a good best friend if I didn't tell her about it.

The girl was so dramatic. I was glad to get away from her.

I went straight to my room and to my closet. What should I wear? I had to look extra special. I was going through all of my things when mom stuck her head in.

"What are you doing?"

"Finding something to wear." I told her without looking over.

"For what? Just wear what you have on."

Eww. No way. This was school clothes. I've had them on all day and I refused to wear it tonight. Finally mom decided to give up on watching me. "Just be ready by eight so I can drop you off." She said before disappearing.

After an intense search I settled on something simple so it didn't seem like I was trying too hard but nice enough that he knew I took special effort. I wore black skinny jeans a pale blue silk camisole top and these wicked cute ankle boots I just bought a week ago. They were wicked. I usually was too lazy to make an effort with my hair and just threw it up into a ponytail but of course that wouldn't do for tonight. So I painstakingly pulled it over my shoulder on the left side and did a fishtail braid. I'd been trying to perfect it for a while now and I must say it looked pretty good.

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