Chapter One: Lani

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I tried to covertly watch my mom's boss without anyone noticing.

When he was in the kitchen cooking his focus was so intense and he looked so handsome. Yeah I have a major crush on my moms boss and I know it'll never happen. 

One I'm seventeen and he's twenty three.

Pretty sure that's illegal.

Two he's so way out of my league. Attractive, wealthy, smart. He has girls all over him all the time. Hell my own mom had her heart set on him.

In short my crush was hopeless. I sighed dramatically and rested my face on my hand.

"Shouldn't you be home doing some homework or something?" He asked without looking up from his task.
I startled. I hadn't thought he knew I was here. As if reading my mind he said. "How could I not notice you when you're staring and sighing loudly?"
Some of the staff that were also in the kitchen buisily doing there jobs laughed.

I blushed. God this was so embarrassing. Just then my mom rushed back into the kitchen and started loading up her tray with plates. "Carmen didn't I tell you not to bring you're kid to work anymore?" Joon called out to her.

Joon Sung, or Sung Joon, is twenty three years old. He's Korean but moved to america six years ago. Him and three of his friends own two successful night clubs a coffee shop and this restaurant. Yeah I know a lot about him. So what I googled him after meeting him for the first time when my mom was hired here five months ago.

Mom glanced over at me shocked. She didn't know I was here. She had tried to ban me last week from coming in and sitting in the kitchen while she worked. But I liked it here. Plus it was my only chance to watch Joon. "I'm locked out of the apartment. I lost my key." I lied, quickly looking away but not before I caught her rolling her eyes. "Sorry Joon. She won't be back after tonight." She said before wisking out of the kitchen again. I heard a chuckle behind me. "Lost Key huh?" SeungYoon said in blatant disbelief. I turned to see SeungYoon standing behind me. He worked as a chef in training for Joon. He was also aware of my riduculous crush on him. I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed again yanking softly on my ponytail. Joon said something to SeungYoon in korean that had him rushing to his side. I don't know why I couldn't have a crush on SeungYoon. It would make things much easier for me. Seungyoon was closer in age to me at twenty than Joon. He was also extremely cute but my heart was already set. Also I usually made a fool of myself asking him questions about Joon. That's how he realized that I liked his boss. So lately I've been embarrassingly spilling all my thoughts about him onto SeungYoon. He's a great listner. The only one I could talk to about my secret and forbidden feelings.

When I had first confessed my crush to my best friend Gina she rudely said. "Jackie chan? Since when do you like Chinese guys?" That seriously pissed me off. Like every asian guy is chinese. That's like saying every spanish person is mexican. After that I didn't discuss my feelings for him with her. She wouldn't understand.

As the night rolled in and the resturant started to slow down I left the kitchen and ended up at the back of the resturant. The only thing back here was Joon's office which was locked, yeah i'd tried it. Sitting cross legged on the floor I did my assigned reading for English literature tomorrow. I didn't get this story at all. It was called the mayor of casterbridge. I was on chapter six and still didn't get the point of the story. I yawned loudly as a shadow was cast over me. I looked up and spotted Joon. He leaned against the opposite wall and watched me. "Are you going to keep coming and distracting my workers?" He asked in that husky deep voice of his.

"I don't distract anyone. I sit there quietly." I insisted.

He snorted. "SeungYoon can't concentrate when you're around. He's either watching you or sneaking off to giggle and whisper with you. That's not doing his job."

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