Chapter Four: Lani

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I was standing in the kitchen with Woo Bin's girlfriend Arielle as I mixed Hana's bottle. She was super pretty and not what I had expected.
When Joon said Woo Bin's girlfriend for some reason I just automatically pictured a Asian girl. Arielle was most definitely not Asian. But I didn't have a problem with it. I'm not Asian and I'm doing everything possible to make Joon mine.
Everyone should be able to love whoever they want to. But despite the fact I was shocked she wasn't Asian I kept looking at her because she seemed familiar to me.

"How old are you?"

I asked before I thought maybe it was rude to just blurt that out to someone I just met.
But she laughed good naturally. "I just turned nineteen a few days ago actually." She said. "How old are you?" She countered raising an eyebrow.

"Seventeen. But I'm going to be eighteen in six weeks." I said quickly. "You look so familiar to me."

She looked me over squinting her eyes. "Do you go to Walter Boland Prep?" She asked.

I nodded. I actually did go to the prep school but I was there on scholarship and I'd transferred in during the middle of my freshman year.

She smiled. "I used to go there. I graduated last year."

Oh. I probably saw her around the school but she would have been a senior when I transferred in so I wouldn't have known her. I shook the bottle making sure the milk and water was mixed in properly.

"How do you know Joon?" She asked curiously.

"My mom works at his restaurant. And I'm there a lot." I said blushing. I couldn't help the blush because it felt like I was admitting to this beautiful stranger that I stalk her boyfriends best friend.
"You like him don't you?"

I shrugged not wanting to admit to anything. What if she told Woo Bin?

"I was in a similar situation. I had just turned eighteen when I met Woo Bin. He's seven years older than me and my parents didn't like that. They tried to make me stop seeing him but by then it was too late. I was already in love. There was no going back." She said smiling wistfully.

"Yeah but you were eighteen. Legally an adult. I'm seventeen. It doesn't matter anyway because he doesn't see me that way." I told her. "Hana must be hungry by now." I said so that we wouldn't have to continue with this conversation. She nodded like she understood my reluctance to continue talking about him and I followed her out of the kitchen. We both stopped short and grinned at what we saw. The guys had Hana on the floor a few distance from them and where calling out her name to see who she would come too.
She started forward walking on her little chubby legs and then stopped.
Soo Hyuk was trying to bribe her with promises of Lollipops while Woo Bin was making funny faces. Jong Hyun had his keys out and was shaking them trying to get her attention.
"Come to daddy Hana. Come to Daddy." Joon was repeating over and over.
I snorted loudly and Lani turned towards the sound. She smiled brightly and walked over to me. I picked her up laughing as all the guys groaned.
"She only came to you because you had the bottle. You know that right?" Soo Hyuk said pouting.
"Or she just likes me better." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"We should get going." Woo Bin said putting his arm around Arielle's shoulder.
"Bye baby." Arielle said tickling Hana's cheek. "Bye Lani it was nice to see you again." She said winking.
"You too." I said.

"You guys know each other?" Woo Bin asked.

"Turns out we went to the same high school." She told him.

Woo Bin and Arielle said their good-byes and left.
"I'm exhausted. We're short staffed at the café and I have to be there early in the morning tomorrow. So I'm off to bed." Jong Hyun said. He patted Hana's head as he walked past Joon to go up the stairs.

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