Chapter Six: Arielle

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Even after Woo Bin left mom was still seething mad.

"Mom calm down." I said for like the fourteenth time.

"Stop telling me to calm down. Now I will not calm down!" She shouted shrilly.

I actually felt the need to cover my ears. She paced the living room floor. We were currently waiting for my father to get here. I sighed and leaned back against the couch. The night had gone so well and then there was that promise of a spectacular kiss before mom came and ruined it.

"I can't believe you went behind my back and found a job." She was saying as she paced.

"It's not that big of a deal. I'm working at a well known coffee shop not a strip bar."

She was seriously overreacting and its getting on my nerves. She completely humiliated me in front of Woo Bin. She had the audacity to just ask if we were having sex.
The door bell rang and mom lept into action rushing to answer. "Thank god you're here." I could hear her saying. "Please go talk some senese into your daughter."

My dad walked into the living room and I knew that I was in for a lecture. He was more calm than mom but he was never one for making a scene. "Tell me what's going on here." He said simply.
I sighed. "Nothing really. Ok yes I got a job without your guys permission and I've been lying about it. I'm sorry." I said. Only talking about the lies and sneaking around to work part not wanting to mention Woo Bin. "And what about this twenty five year old man?" He asked.
Well if they really wanted to know then i'd tell them. "We're dating. His name is Woo Bin and he's really nice and I like him. A lot." I said.

"But don't you think it's strange? He's a grown man. What could he possibly want with a little girl?" My dad asked.

That stung. It was as if he was saying there was no possible way that Woo Bin could just genuinely be interested in me. That this was some shady sordid affair and he just wanted sex from me. Its not like that. Woo Bin isn't like that. I know him. He knows me.

"He does want me, he wants me because he likes me. He's a good man. I'm not a child I am a woman. I'm eighteen, legally an adult and you both seem to forget that." I said. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down my anger. I didn't want to yell at my parents. "If you just meet him and spend time with him you would see how wonderful he is."

Mom looked at me like I was crazy and dad looked at me with pity. He obviously still believed Woo Bin is using me. "We can't allow you to continue seeing him."

I laughed. I know I shouldn't have and that my parents are just worried about me but it's funny how they think just because they said something I had to do it. "You can't stop me." I said determinedly.

Me and my father had a show down of wills neither looking away from the other. "Quit that job. I'll bring you to and from school from now on. You're to have no contact with him."

They were serious. They were really going to treat me like a child and try and bend me to their will. I stood up and without a word walked out the living room and headed for the stairs. "Where are you going?" My mom called out. I ignored her and went to my room.
I put all my school things into my backpack and then pulled my suitcase out of the closet. I began to filll it with as many clothes and shoes that I could. As I did this I dialed Woo Bin's number. He answered on the first ring.
"Is everything ok?"

"Please come back and get me." I said.

"I'll be there in ten." He replied before hanging up.

"What are you doing?" My mother asked. I turned to see both of my parents standing in my rooms doorway. "I'm packing." I said simply.
I zipped the suitcase and put my backpack on and tried to pass them.

"You're not going anywhere." My mom said.

"You can't make me stay. I could call the cops right now and you would have to let me leave." I told her.
My mom began to sob a little and I felt guilty.
"Arielle Mary Barnes." My dad said sternly.
"You can't forbid me to see him. If you would give him a chance there wouldn't be a reason for me to leave." I said begging for them to see the truth of what I was saying.

"There won't be any negotiations. You're my daughter. I know what's best for you and running off with some man whose only going to use and discard you isn't it." He roared. I'd never seen my dad this angry before and I flinched at his tone of voice tears coming to my eyes.

"I think.. I think..No. I know that I love him." I said. "I love him and I can't let him go."
I pushed past both of them and ran down the stairs and out the front door. I stood waiting on the sidewalk while my mom stood beside me and kept trying to coax me back into the house. Dad stood on the steps glaring down at us. Neither of us would budge.

Woo Bin pulled up and got out of his car. "What's happening?" he asked eyeing me and my bags. And in that moment I had my first sliver of doubt. What if he didn't feel as strongly about me as I did him. We aren't actually in a relationship and I just had my first date with him tonight and now i'm trying to move in with him.
"I'm leaving." I said watching him for his reaction. He didn't hesitate he just nodded and reached down to pick up my suitcase.
"Wait!" My dad called out.

I turned to look at him and saw that he had come down the steps and was reaching his arm out like he could physically stop me from going. "Wait. I'll talk to him. Just don't leave." He said.
My heart felt like it was breaking. I saw my mom crying quietly beside me and my father looking as if he thought he might never see me again. I felt guilty for doing this to them. But I had to make them see. To make them realize I wasn't a kid any longer and that I was capable of making my own decisions, even if those decisions turned out to be wrong ones in the long run.
Woo Bin looked at me for guidance. I knew that if I told him I still wanted to go he would take me with him, and that reasured me.
I shook my head and he stepped away from the suitcase.
Mom sobbed in releif.

"Will you come inside and talk to my dad?" I asked him.

He reached out and carressed my face. "Of course."

I brought my things back into the house and once again me and Woo Bin stood facing the couch while my parents sat scrutinizing us.
"What's your name boy?" My dad asked gruffly.

"Woo Bin Kim sir." Woo Bin said promptly.

"Do you know my daughter says she loves you?"

My face heated up and I bit my lip. Now he would know how quickly I have become obsessed with him. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the expression on his face. I felt his hand incircle mines and I opened my eyes to look at him.
"I love her too. Its happned so abruptly that it took even us by surprise and where still figuring everything out. I ask that you trust your daughter to me. I'll never hurt her."

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