Chapter One: Arielle

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"I'm not moving anything." I insisted.

My mom just gave me a look that implied I better get to carrying boxes. I sighed. There was no point in arguing. My two brothers were already hauling the larger things from the moving truck into the house so my job was to handle the boxes. I reluctantly opened the rear door. The backseat of the car was piled high with boxes, I eyed them wearily, and there were still more in the trunk.

So my Saturday was filled with moving.

We had to move because mom and dad have just gone through a divorce. Mom couldn't afford our old house on her own so we had to move to a less expensive neighborhood. Everyone expected for the divorce to be hard on me since I was the only kid still living with them. My brothers Bryan and Chris both moved out years ago. Chris is twenty two and in college. Bryan is twenty eight with a family of his own. But honestly I've seen this divorce coming for a long time so its not that bad. They weren't happy together anymore and I rather them be happy than stay together for my sake.

Me and mom were in the kitchen putting away all the silverware and plates. Besides organizing my room it was the last thing left to unpack. "So I was thinking I would start looking for a job." I told her as I passed her a plate. "A job for what? Whatever you need me or you're dad will get for you. Just because we aren't together as a family anymore that doesn't change anything." I sighed. Lately she thinks anything I want to do is directly a cause of the divorce. "Yeah but i'm eighteen. I want to have my own money for stuff instead of having to ask my parents."

"What about shool? I want you concentrating on school and you're grades not working."

"I can get a part time job. I can handle working and school. Its better I learn how to mutli task now. Im going off to college in a few months and i'm going to have to get a job then anyways." I had a college fund and I was relying on scholorships I had applied for. But if I decided to go to an out of state college I would need a job to pay for some necessities. Mom sighed. I knew she was thinking about it. "I don't know Arielle. Let me talk to you're dad first. I will call him tomorrow."

"Ok." I agreed easily.

I was ready to be on my own and independent. I'm tired of high school and was counting down the next six monthes until I graduated. I still was undecided on what college I would attend. I planned on applying to some schools here in Boston and other cities in massachusetts but I was also looking further and warmer away like florida, california, and georgia. Finding a job and saving money was apart of the independence I was seeking for myself. I've just been feeling more and more anxious lately, like I'm waiting for some mega event to happen.
Laying in bed I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep either. My insomnia has been getting worse. Despite mom saying to wait until she talked to dad first I had already been searching. I actually have a job interview in the morning. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. I was nervous. At school last week I saw an advertisement for a cashier at a trendy coffee shop and had applied. Within a few days I was called and set up a interview. Truthfully, with no work experience I hadn't expected a call back.
Ok Arie, tomorrow is a big day. Close you're eyes and get some sleep so you won't look like the undead for your interview tomorrow, I prompted myself. I closed my eyes and forced myslef to breath evenly. Soon enough I had fallen asleep.

Standing outside I looked up at the large sign above the shop door. Cup Of SUNshine.
I took a deep fortifying breath before pushing the door open and stepping inside. It was six am and the place was empty. "Not open yet." a deep voice called out irritably. I looked in the direction of the voice to see a asian man sitting at one of the tables drinking a cup of coffee and papers spread out in front of him. I took step forward towards him and another well dressed asian guy came from the back of the shop. "Its your fault for not locking the doors when you got here." He said directed to the first guy. He then came to stand before me. "I'm sorry but we don't actually open until eight." He said much more politely.

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