Chapter Three: Kim Woo Bin

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I watched Arielle walk into A Cup of SUNshine before driving off. What was I doing? I was attracted to a eighteen year old girl. She was still in high school for gods sake. The moment she had walked into the shop on sunday I noticed her. I pretended like I hadn't but truthfully my eyes were drawn to her throught the glass windows of the shop before she even entered. That little skirt she wore and the black leggings that sculpted her long legs and drew my eyes to them. And her skin. It looked even more perfect up close. It shined like gold and looked smoother than silk. I even was fascinated with her lips. They looked so full and lucious. When I spotted her walking down the sidewalk in those boots I couldn't just drive past.

I made it to MidnightSUN and went into my office. I took off my jacket and sat behind my desk. The door opened and Soo Hyuk walked in. "What took so long? You said you were on your way an hour ago."

I shuffled some papers on my desk and said. "I ran into Arielle so I gave her a ride to SUNshine."

"The girl who we interviewed on sunday?" I nodded nonchalantly. He smirked. "I knew you were interested in her."

"I'm not. She was wearing some ridiculous boots and miles away from the shop. I couldn't just let her walk." I insisted. Soo Hyuk laughed. "I'm serious. She's a kid."

"She's eighteen."

"She's in high school." I countered. "I'm six years older than her."

He laughed aloud again. "So you've thought about it huh?"

"Get out." I told him in korean. He chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

Yeah I had thought about it. I was interested in her and I wasn't used to denying myself anything that I wanted but I didn't think it was a good idea to star anything with her.

Throught the day I caught up on some of the work I had neglected while helping out at the coffee shop when Jong hyung was sick. As it neared eight my thoughts turned to Arie. If she was counting on her friend to give her a ride to work she might have been her ride home also. Would she try to walk home at night or would she call someone? Without really thinking about it I drove to Sunshine. When I got there Ashley was just about to lock the doors. "Just in time." she said. I slipped inside and my eyes instantly found Arie. She was washing one of the tables wearing the standard uniform. She made kahkis and a yellow polo look attractive. So distracted by watching her I didn't hear Ashley coming to a stop beside me. "Don't even think about it play boy. Shes too nice for you."

Without taking my eyes off Arie I said too her. "I'm not thinking anything." She snorted. "That's what you're lips say but that's not what you're eyes are saying. You haven't stopped looking at her since you walked in." Just to prove a point I took my eyes off her and looked at Ashley. She rolled her eyes. "You are so obvious Woo Bin." Arielle looked up must having heard my name. "Hey." She said smiling.

"Hey." I replied back.

"Oh god." Ashely said.

Jong Hyung came out from the back and smiled when he saw me. "Woo Bin what are you doing here? Thought we weren't all meeting up until later?" He asked. Me and the guys were all going to go out tonight, kind of a guys night thing. We all lived in the same apartment but with the buisness gaining more attention lately we've all been busy. "Yeah we are. I just stopped by because I was craving one of those muffins Ashely makes." I lied. Ashley does make amazing muffins but that wasn't the real reason I was here. "Uh huh." Ashley said. "I'll go get you one." She knew the real reason.

"Have you met Arielle?" He asked me smiling warmly at her. Huh. I strangely I didn't like that. Jong Hyung smiling at her. Jong Hyung was an attractive guy. Girls have always had crushes on him even when we were younger. Ashley is in love with him, not that he notices. Thinking about him and Arielle spending time together every time she came into work made me feel sick. I didn't like this feeling in my gut. It was almost, jealousy. I'd just met this girl knew nothing about her and I was getting jealous that one of my best friends was smiling at some girl. "Yeah I've met her. I was here when she came for the interview."

"Oh yeah. That's right." He said. "Good thing you guys hired her she's perfect for this job and a hard worker."

Arielle smiled. "Thanks Mr Hong."

He laughed. "Didn't I tell you to call me Jong Hyung, or just Jong."

"Ok Jong Hyung." she replied.

Jong Hyung's phone rang interupting them and he walked away saying. "Sorry I have to take this."

"So enjoying you're first day?" I asked Arie following her as she went back to washing tables. She nodded. "Yeah. I like it here." I silently watched her for a while before deciding to just say what I came here for. "Do you have a ride home?" She looked up at me. "Why?"

"That doesn't answer my question." I said.

She shrugged. "Not really. I was going to ask Ashley."

I shook my head. "Nope. She doesn't have a car. Jong Hyung gives her a ride." I didn't want her saying she would ask him. I didn't want her to ride with him I wanted her to ride with me. "I'll bring you home." I said quickly. She seemed unsure like she wanted to say no and then suprisingly she smiled at me and agreed.

Jong hyung came walking back over. "You can head home now Arielle. See you tomorrow same time." He then clasped me on the back. "Can I talk to you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Wait for me." I told Arie before following after Jong Hyung. "What's up?" I asked him.

"You did not really come all the way here for a muffin." He said smirking.

I sighed. Not him too. "Ok I didn't. But I'm not ready to talk about it yet." I said quickly before he could say anything else.

"Ok. I can respect that. See you later." He said smacking my back.

Arielle stood at the door waiting for me and I don't even know if I repled back to Jong Hyung because I was to eager to be by her side.

Love At First Sight ( Interracial Couples )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin