Chapter Thirteen - Daddy

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Levi's POV(One Month Later)

"Levi," Eren mumbled, smacking my arm and waking me, "Go get Asher, please." I could hear Asher screaming in the other room, it's three in the morning. I groaned as I slid out of bed, the cold air making me want to cuddle back up next to Eren. I walked to the baby's room and peaked my head in the door.

"Hey, baby." I whispered as I walked to his crib, his cries have turned into quiet sniffles. "What's wrong?" I asked as I lifted him out of the crib, holding his body against mine. He laid his head on my shoulder and started babbling dramatically. "Oh, really?" I replied to his babbles, walking back towards the bedroom.

I felt something soft and wet on my shoulder, and when I looked I noticed Asher sucking on it. "Are you hungry? You can't eat Daddy." I changed my course and made my way downstairs. "I'll get you a bottle if you promise to let me go back to sleep. You see, Daddy finally has a day off and would like to recharge."

Asher replied to me in his baby babble while I prepared his bottle. Once the bottle was ready, I carried him and the bottle back into bed. I sat with my back against the headboard and Asher's head in the crook of my arm. I barely had to hold the bottle for him, he can hold it himself pretty well.

Eren shuffled in his sleep and groaned softly, I smiled. It's nice to have the most important people in my life within arm's reach. Asher fell asleep in my arms, not even finishing the bottle. I placed the bottle on the dresser before carefully laying him down in between Eren and I. I went back to sleep.

I woke to Asher crying, again, but I had no clue why he was crying. Eren was still sleeping, I sighed. "Eren, wake up." I shook his shoulder gently. "Oi, Eren!" I said a bit louder and he shot up. He looked at me before at the screaming baby in my arms.

"Change his diaper?" He suggested and I scrunched my nose. "You've done it before, you'll live." Eren said before laying back down. I groaned before taking the baby to his room where the changing table is. I pushed myself through the terrible task of changing his diaper and then brought him back to his mother.

Eren was laying on his back, so I laid Asher down on his stomach and kept a hand on him. "It's eleven, you should wake up." Eren set a hand on Asher's back so I removed mine off of him. "I'm going to make breakfast and then maybe we can take Asher for a walk."

"You talk like he's a dog." Eren said as he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. I snorted before turning and looking for a random pair of sweats to slip on.

"I didn't mean to. I just assume babies like to see the outside, too." I paused and looked at him. "You know, see the sun and shit." Eren followed me into downstairs and into the kitchen, Asher wrapped in his arms. "Is mommy hungry?" I asked as I scavenged for food.

"Yeah, I'm hungry." Eren said with a smile before looking down at Asher. "Are you hungry, my little boy?" He poked at his chest and the baby giggled, which brought a smile to all of our faces.

I made us breakfast while Eren fed Asher with a bottle. After breakfast, we went into the TV room. "Game of Thrones?" Eren asked with a smirk, his eyebrow cocked slightly. I nodded, I like that show. I've read the books. He cheered and put it on, Asher sat on my lap and played with my shirt.

I studied my husband's face, he is so handsome. Eren laid his head on my shoulder as we watched TV. Eren got me into tv, I never really liked it before he made me watch something called Sherlock, some British thing.

I felt tiny, wet, fingers on my chin, crawling up to my mouth. I glanced down at Asher, he looked completely focused on my lips. His small fingers pinched my lower lip. "What are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled before cooing. I gently grabbed his hand as he tried to stick it in my mouth. "That's dirty, child."

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