Chapter 5: Queen Toadstool

Start from the beginning

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION.", boomed Queen Toadstool. The three felt a chill go up their spine.

Mario barely gained courage to reply, "I-It's-a-m-me, M-Mario"

"Who are the other two colorful abominations?", she angrily asked.

"T-This is L-Luigi, a-and this is P-Princess P-Peach", he replied, losing all of his confidence while staring into her blood red eyes.

"What? I am Peach. How can this be? I am the only rightful ruler of the Toadstool Empire! Ther is no possi- you know what? I do not even care anymore.", Toadstool replied, "GUARDS, THROW THEM INTO THE DUNGEON, IN THE CELL AT THE VERY END". With that, one guard grabbed Peach and Luigi, and the other grabbed Mario. They struggled, but clearly these soldiers were well trained.

"I will continue on ruling my beautiful kingdom as if this encounter has never happened.", snarled Toadstool. The two guards began to walk towards the door to the basement.


Everyone turned toward the the large hall on the upper level, where Toadstool was. They all saw a monstrosity of a dragon and turtle charging towards Toadstool. He rammed into her, causing her to  jolt up into the air and fall onto the right staircase. He leaped over the rail and ground-pounded into the floor, plowing his fist into the floor mosaic of a poison mushroom.

"Bowser!", the Peachs' exclaimed, withone sounding happier than the other. Toadstool ran up and opened a secret hatch and pushed a purple button. All of a sudden the hero, the underdog, the damsel-in-distress, and the villain were surrounded by hundreds of Toad guards. "Mama-Mia.", the four exclaimed in unison. Mario and Luigi grabbed their emergency fire flowers, Peach pulled out her parasol and held it like a sword, and Bowser got into a fighting position.

"CHARGE!!!!!", Toadstool screamed.

All 957 of the guards ran towards the four. They attempted to attack, but the four warded them off using their strength and weapons. Mario and Luigi excessively shot fireballs towards the guards. Peach whacked the guards with her parasol. She took off her crown and used it as a ninja star, which took out 30 guards, and flew back into her hand like a boomerang, taking out another 30. Bowser punched them with his giant fists, and breathed fire, causing them to run around with their suits on fire. Worried that she would lose, Toadstool grabbed the red diamond on her chest, and it began to glow brightly. She hovered into the into the air, and flew above Bowser. She saw him as her mortal enemy, the President of the USK (United States of Koopa). An orb of purple electricity formed in her hand. Peach heard the electricity shocks and quickly looked up, seeing a demon-eyed clone of herself about to attack her counterparts. She quickly jumped on to Bowser's back, and climbed his spiked shell like a rock-climbing wall.

Bowser looked back to his shell, "What are you-". Before he could finish, Peach leaped up towards Toadstool, and angrily smacked her face with her parasol, like an anime fighting scene. Toadstool, released the ball of electricity and plopped onto the ground. The electric ball bounced all over the walls, then it hit the ceiling, and was shooting back to the ground. Bowser quickly grabbed Mario, Luigi and Peach and leaped into the air, dodging an electric shock across the floor that Toadstool and the guards were effected by. The guards plopped onto the ground, unconscious. Toadstool, was on the tiled floor groaning. The four Toadstool Empire outlaws darted through the door.

"THIS ISN'T THE LAST YOU'LL SEE OF ME!!!! I WILL FIND YOU!!!!", screamed the electrocuted queen.

They bolted through the lava filled kingdom. As the four ran, the enslaved Toads looked at them and each other curiously. Peach saw that everyone looked at her like a monster. She was very upset at how Toadstool has treated the Toads.

They kept running until they found a sandy beach with nearby cave. They all plopped on the ground, they were exhausted.

"We can sleep in that cave over there, and I can make a fire with a Fire Flower.", stated Mario, tiredly.

"Well, I better go dig myself a hole in the ground that I can hibernate in for the rest of my life.", exclaimed Bowser. He walked away from the trio of heroes.

"Bowser, wait.", said Mario. Bowser turned around. Mario continued, happily, "If you weren't-a there to save us, we would've been thrown in jail!" Bowser had a bit of a smile on his face.

Luigi hopped aboard the Bowser compliment train, "Bowser, you were a superstar back there! You were awesome, fighting the Toad guards, helping us. Bowser now had a full smile.

"Gee, thanks guys, I never thought you would ever appreciate me for that.", he replied.

"Mario and Luigi are right,", continued Peach, "We would be starving to death in a cold and dark cell if it weren't for you. You know, if we went back home without you, life wouldn't be the same. If you want, we invite you to join our quest to find a way back home. You would make an amazing and powerful addition to our team." Bowser blushed, he actually felt special for once. He never has actually had a friend before.

"Of course, I'd like to join.", he joyfully replied.

"Great, our quest begins now, well, at least after we sleep, but after that, we embark on the adventure of our lives!", Luigi stated.

"Hey, Mario, um, do you mind if I say it?", asked Bowser.

"Please go ahead.", Mario responded. Bowser had a big smile on his face as he said,


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