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I feel a hand wrap tight around my small wrist. I get pulled into a janitor's closet and feel a wall against my back.

I look at the figure in front of me. He's tall, dark, and handsome. He's a mystery. He's always been a mystery to me.

He lets out a big sigh, like he's going to tell me something important.

I bite my lip. All I can see is his silhouette. It's way too dark in this room to see his face, but I know he's gorgeous.

He leans over towards me until our lips are mere centimeters apart.

"I don't want to see your face anywhere around this entire city. Stay away from me," he growls.

That's going to be kind of hard, seeing as we're neighbors, I think to myself.

He opens the door and walks away. I sigh as I watch him walk out the door.

Is it bad that I have fallen for this bad boy?


Heyyyy!! New stories always make me excited! I was just very bored and wanted to make this one because I noticed that in all my stories, the bad boy is really easy to get, but not in this one. She'll actually have to try.

Please comment and vote!!

I love you guys.

Sarah ❤

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