He Steals Your Phone

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Scott: You got up to use the restroom while you and Scott were having a movie night. You left your phone on the table, not thinking to bring it with, and Scott took the opportunity. He opened your camera, stuck his tongue out, and took a picture. He continues taking pictures of him doing funny faces, that is until you walk back in and snatch the phone from him.

Stiles: Stiles politely asked you if he could borrow your phone to call his dad. You didn't think anything of it, thinking his phone probably died. He began typing on your phone and you started to become a little confused. You began to think about the fact that Stiles had his phone in his hand seconds before asking to borrow yours, and he asked to call his dad. You slyly peeked over his shoulder and saw him save his contact under a new name. Hottest Guy Alive.

Derek: You and Derek have the same phone case, which means you mix each other's phones up all the time. However, this time when you realized Derek had your phone, he had a smirk on his face. Which probably meant he purposely had your phone and pulled a few pranks. Later that day you realized what he did. He took over 100 photos of you.

Liam: You were walking home with Liam after school. You were looking down at your phone, trying to put some music on, when Liam snatched the phone from your hands. You gasped and turned to him. He had it above his head and he was smirking.

"You have to take pictures with me if you want it back." He told you. You agreed with him and he took a bunch of selfies of the two of you. He was in the middle of kissing your cheek and taking a bunch of pictures when you snatched it back and ran away from him.

Jackson: You were at Jackson's house, cuddling on the couch, and you fell asleep with your phone on your lap. It fell onto the couch and Jackson was about to set it on the table, when he saw a picture of Channing Tatum as your background. Jackson, being the jealous type, unlocked your phone and went to your pictures. He found a cute photo the two of you had taken a couple days ago and set that as your lock screen. Then he found a good photo of him and made it your home screen.

Isaac: You dragged Isaac along when you went shopping, and as much as he loved spending time with you, Isaac wasn't really one for shopping. So, Isaac politely asked you if he could play on your phone, because his didn't have any fun games and yours did. You told him he could if he could figure out your password. He tried everything, from your birthday, to tomorrow's date. When he finally realized he couldn't figure it out, he silently slipped your phone back into your pocket and watched you shop.

Aiden: You and Aiden were going out, so you were taking a shower. Aiden came over early and came into the bathroom to let you know. You weren't really worried about him being in the bathroom together so you didn't question him when he didn't leave right away. Little did you know, Aiden was taking shirtless photos on your phone. You didn't notice until the next day when you looked at your photos.

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