First Date Part 2

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Stiles: "Why are we driving to the Hale house?" You asked Stiles, while looking out the window. He shushed you and you shook your head but stayed quiet none the less. Stiles stopped his jeep and got out. He opened your door then went into his truck to grab something else. You followed and smiled when you saw a blanket, and a picnic basket.

"We are having a picnic in the woods away from civilization." He said before leading you in the direction you had to go. He stopped at a small clearing and laid down the blanket, and sat down. You did the same as he took out sandwiches, soda and chips. You laughed.

"So healthy." You joked.

"Do you even know me?" He asked before shoving a chip in his mouth. you giggled at him and he handed you a sandwich and a soda. You ate in a comfortable silence as you looked at the trees above you. You were lost in thought when you heard music coming from Stiles direction. He smiled at you and stood up.

"Dance with me?" He asked, holding his hand out. You smiled and put your hand in his while standing up. He continued holding your hand and put his other on your waist. You brought your hand up to sit on his shoulder and you danced quietly to the music. You were the first to break the silence.

"This is the best date I've ever been on, Stiles."

"It's the best date I've ever been on too, Y/N."

Isaac: "After you." Isaac said, holding the restaurant door open for you. You smiled and walked inside, waiting to be seated. The host seated you two and left you with the menu.

"Okay, I want to order your meal. I promise you'll love it, and if you don't, I will buy you any dessert on the menu." You smiled softly and nodded.

"I'm okay with that." You told him. When the waitress came around, he told her the order. He turned back to you with a smile and slowly grabbed your hand that was resting on the table. You smiled and you and Isaac talked about your favorite places in the world. When the food arrived, Isaac made sure you didn't try it until he could pay attention. He grabbed his fork and got a bite ready on his fork.

"Open." He told you. So you did and he fed you the bite. You chewed the food and he watched you as you fell in love with the taste. "I told you! I'l still buy you whatever desert you want though. So don't eat to much." He said right before he took a giant bite himself.

Aiden: The entire car ride was Aiden complaining to his brother that you were too good looking. You were starting to feel like the whole date was a mistake before Danny jumped in.

"We get it dude. Y/N is gorgeous and you are lucky to even be here right now. But I swear if you don't shut up and dropping you off on the side of the road." He said turning around to look at Aiden while you were stopped at a stop light. Aides nodded in understanding before turning to you.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You are just so gorgeous, I can't stop talking about it." He told you.

"You can talk about it, but it sounded like you were complaining about it. Which I don't care for." Ethan and Danny turned to each other at the same time and said, "This is why they don't date."

"Oh no! Thats not at all what I wanted. You're beautiful and I am so excited for tonight." He said, making you blush.

"So am I." You admitted.

Not long after, Danny pulled up to the restaurant. Aides got out of his door than held his hand out for you. You smiled softly and placed your hand in his as you carefully got out of Danny's car. The four of you walked inside and were seated right away. Everyone ordered their meal and while everyone was talking you and Aiden found yourselves holding hands under the table and playing footsies.

"And then he said," Aiden are you trying to play footsies with me?" Danny started, but stopped when you accidentally kicked his foot instead of Aiden's. Your eyes went wide and you looked at Aiden.

"No. Y/N and I are doing so under the table and I guess she missed." He said to Danny. You gasped and smacked his arm lightly.

"I can't believe you ratted me out!"

"Hey, he's your best friend. Not your brother's boyfriend. Ethan would have punched me in the face."

"He's not entirely wrong..." Ethan added as he pulled Danny into his side. You couldn't help but smile at the couple.

There's the others! Sorry they weren't as long as the others! I kinda ran out of ideas. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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