You're Sick

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Scott: You were sick, with the stomach flu and anything you ate or drank just came right back up. You would have stayed home, if you didn't have an important math test to take. You figured that you would just scrub for the day, wearing a pair of joggers and a shirt of Scott's that he let you borrow once. You were on your way to class when you ran into Scott.

"Hey babe!" He said leaning down to kiss you. You quickly moved your head away.

"I'm going to get you sick." You said looking up at him. His face instantly became worried.

"Why are you here if you're sick?" He asked. You explained that you had a text that you couldn't miss, even if that meant not eating or drinking anything until after. Scott instantly shook his head.

"I'm taking you home." He said, wrapping his arm around you and leading you out of the school. You began to protest but he interrupted. "I'll have Stiles explain why you won't be there, and ask when you can make it up." You thought for a moment and before you knew it, you had your arms wrapped around his waist as he drove you home on his motorcycle.

Stiles: You were sick, however Stiles didn't know that. So when you didn't answer any of his calls or texts until half way through second period, he kind of lost his mind.

Stiles was insanely worried about you. He would text you any chance he could, telling the teachers he needed his phone for an emergency today. He called between every passing period, telling you how much he wished he could be here and constantly offering to stop by after school.

"Stiles, if you let me sleep, you can come over after school and take care of me. But I expect ice cream and a chance to sleep. So don't text or call and I'm leaving a key under the door mat so you can get in. But don't disturb my sleep." You finally told him, when he called between his final class.

And so, he followed every rule.

Derek: You flushed the toilet for the third time in the passed hour, when your phone rang. You laid in your bed as you answered it.


"Y/N, what's wrong? Scott said you aren't at school today." Your worried boyfriend asked you. You rolled your eyes at him, even though he couldn't see you.

"I'm hunched over my toilet puking my brains out." You told him.

"I'm coming over." He said instantly and hung up before you could tell him not to.

Not long after Derek was knocking on your front door. You slowly got out of bed and made your way to the door. You sighed and opened the door, letting him.

"Derek I'm fine. I've been sick before. Plus I'll get you sick. You should just go home and you can talk to me on the phone all day." Derek shook his head and gently pushed you to your room.

"I won't get sick. I'm a werewolf. My body will kill the virus instantly. Plus I can't cuddle you over the phone." He said, laying next to you in the bed, and pulling you close.

"What if I throw up on you?" You ask, thinking that might make him leave.

"I can shower." He told you. "Now get some sleep. I'll be right here if you need anything." He said. Derek kissed your head as you finally gave in and let yourself drift asleep.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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