Chapter 25

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Natsu's POV:
After this whole mess was resolved, me and Lucy went to take the PhoenixFang members home. I gotta say we were all sad to see them go. We arrived in the town and walked up to the guild hall. Glen walked up to the doorstep. "What!?" she yelled. "What is it Glen?" Lucy asked as she ran up to the guild hall doors. She grabbed a paper off the door. "What?!" she said. "What's wrong Luce?" I asked. "It says that they didn't pay rent on time! Now this building is going to be torn down!" she said.

"I forgot that rent was yesterday!" Hiyumi exclaimed. "Crap!" both of the twins said. "Well, we better get our stuff and try to find a new guild hall." Glen said. "Why don't you come to Fairy Tail?" I suggest. They all look at me. "I mean after all that you've done, I think gramps would be more than happy to let you join." I explained. "Would they really take us in?" one of the twins asked, with stars in his eyes. "Sure! I can vouch for you. So can Lucy and Levy, and I'm pretty sure after yesterday everyone will want you in our family." I said with a grin.

The little girl with blue hair jumped up and down. "Can we Glen? Can we?" she asked Glen. Glen looked around. Tears streamed down her face. "This is a dream come true!" she said. "Of course! If they're willing to have us, I'll be more than happy to join!"

Two days later.

I was sitting at the bar with Lucy, my girlfriend. The guild was partying because of the gain of its new members. I thought back to when Lucy joined the guild, "Natsu! Look! I got my guild mark!" "That's nice Luigi." I chuckled at the memory. "What's so funny?" Lucy asked me. "Oh nothing. Just thinking about when you first joined the guild... Luigi." I said. We both laughed.

All the PhoenixFang members fit right in. Hiyumi was blowing bubbles for Asuka. Glen was helping Levy in her recent studies. Kuro was laughing with Gray and Gajeel. 'Wait, where's Klein?' I think. Lucy gets up to go talk to Levy and Glen. Then, Klein walks up to me. "Sup Klein?" I say. "Hey, I've got a question." he said. "What is it?" "How did you..." he trailed off. "What?" I asked. "How did you... get Lucy to like you?" he grumbled. I smirked. "Oh so it's a girl? Which one?" I asked. Mira came up behind me. "Oh I think I know who." she said slyly.

"Don't tell him!" Klein yelled at Mira. "Oh but how can I help if I don't know who I'm dealing with?" I asked. "Fine." he mumbled. "Its..." he trailed off for the second time. "It's sorry who? Your gonna have to speak up." I teased him. "I like Glen ok!" he yelled. The guild went silent. I snickered. "You did that on purposed didn't you?" he said. "Maybe. You'll never know." I said back. He chased me around until he tripped at Glen's table. "Uh... Hi Glen sorry I'm just gonna go and-" he was cut off when she kissed his cheek. He passed out and everyone laughed.

I'm sure. They'll fit in just fine!

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