Chapter 19

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Lucy's POV:
It's been another month and a half since I left Fairy Tail. Two more weeks till the fateful day. As much as I didn't want it to come, it was inevitable. I love that I met the PhoenixFang guild, and I love the adventures we've been on though. I got another call from Master. "Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone. "Hello Lucy. This is very important. We're sending Levy to the village your currently staying at. She's going to explain the situation further. Just know that you might have to clear out of the town if the time comes." he said.

I paused. What would that mean with the relationship I have with the PhoenixFang guild? Glen walked into my room and grabbed the lacrima. "Excuse me this is the guild master of the PhoenixFang guild. Whatever instructions you have we are ready to cooperate." she said. "This is the master of the Fairy Tail guild. Thank you for your cooperation. We're sending one of our members with information on the situation. She should show up later on today." Master said. "No problem. Anything for one of out members." she said. "Also thank you for giving a home to my child." he said. "Your welcome sir. She's an amazing wizard." Glen said then hung up.

"Thank you so much, Glen!" I said as I hugged her. "Don't worry about it Ms. Lucy." she said hugging me back. "But you never said you were part of the famous Fairy Tail guild! Your THE Fairy Tail Lucy?" she asked. "Well... Yeah..." I said kinda embarassed. The twins burst into the room with Hiyumi close behind them. "Whoa! Your a Fairy Tail member?!" they all said simultaniously. "Wow. You guys seem to be fond of the Fairy Tail guild." I said giggling. "Well its what we tried to model our guild after. We wanted to be like family. The Fairy Tail guild was so amazing! We even sort of got our name from theirs!" Hiyumi said giddily. "Wait so if your Lucy of the Fairy Tail guild, the partner you talked about in the story. Was that... The Salamander!!!" Kuro asked with stars in his eyes like always. I nodded. "Mhm. He was."

I got a call on the lacrima. "This is Lucy." I said. "Hey Lu! This is Levy. I arrived in town. Where's the guild hall?" she asked. "Oh its not that far from the train station. Hold on I'll stand on the front steps so you can see me." I said. "Ok Lu!" I walked outside and stood on the steps. I saw Levy standing outside the train station. "LEVY!" I yelled while waving. She looked over and ran towards me. She jumped into my arms. "Lu! I'm so happy to see you!" she said. "You too Levy!" I said back.

I led her inside to the table in the main room. She sat down, "So this is the guild hall?" she asked. "Yep!" "Where are the other members?" she questioned. "Oh right! Hey! Glen, Hiyumi, Kuro, Klein! She's here!" I yelled up the stairs. Not two seconds later the twins came barreling down the stairs. Hiyumi was right behind them, and Glen was walking down the stairs.

"Everyone, this is Levy McGarden. She's my friend." I said as Levy waved. "Levy this is the PhoenixFang guild!" I said with a smile. Kuro ran up. "Well if your a good friend of Lucy's you must be a really nice girl! Hi my name is Kuro Ferzton!" he said while shaking her hand excitedly. "Hello Kuro!" she said giggling while shaking his hand. "My names Hiyumi Springs! Nice to meet you! Ooh I'm so excited! She's from the Fairy Tail guild!" she said bouncing with excitement. "I'm Klein, Kuro's twin brother." Klein said grumpily trying to hide his excitement. Glen walked forward and shook Levy's hand. "I'm Glen Sakura, the guild master of the PhoenixFang guild. It's nice to meet a friend of Lucy's." she said. "Nice to meet you too Master Glen." Levy said. "Just Glen is fine." Glen said back.

Levy sat down. "Well we gave Natsu the idea that we were helping him look for you. Natsu never heard about what happened. We tried to tell him when he first found out about you leaving, but he wouldn't listen. Now we're too afraid of his reaction. Even if he did know he'd still come looking for you. He loves you Lucy. You know that right?" she said. "I know. But right now, that's not exactly a good thing." I muttered. She finished explaining the rest of the situation and I thought it over. Glen stood up, "Even if we were to move her that would be untactical. He could just as easily catch up to us while we're moving. He is Salamander. The best tactic would be to protect Lucy. Try to hide her." Glen said. "Yknow that's not really a bad idea.." Levy said.

Natsu's POV:
I don't really understand what Erza and the master were talking about, but I've got a hunch that it was about Lucy. 'Why do they keep trying to keep me away from Southern Fiore?' I asked myself. 'Somethings going on here. Something really iffy.' I thought. I got up from my sleeping bag and checked around. Everyone was asleep. Perfect. I stood up and carfully walked over to Erza. She was sleeping peacefully. I looked at her bag which she had next to her. I reached for it but she started to stir. I lurched back. She settled down again. I reached once more and grasped her bag. I pulled it toward me and started rummaging through it. What I didn't realize is that she had woken up.

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