Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV:
I woke up with a yawn as sunlight hit my eyelids. I opened my eyes and cringed as the bright light hit them. I sat up... well tried to sit up, but I felt something at my waist stopping me. I looked over to find Natsu with his arm wrapped around my waist, and his head resting in the crook of my neck. I instantly blushed as I remembered the events of last night.


I felt a warm breath on my cheek as I layed there with my eyes closed. I felt a breath at my ear then suddenly, I heard Natsu whisper, "I like you, Luce." Saying I was shocked was an understatement. Sure he had kissed me earlier, but he had been so quick to say he was stupid for doing it that I thought he regreted it. He wasn't the smartest person I knew, and I had always thought he was dense. Maybe he meant like as in friends. I hadn't realized how long I had been thinking until I heard him mutter, "Asleep. Perfect." I thought about jumping up and replying, but I needed to think.


I looked over at Natsu, his head still leaning into the crook of my neck. He was so cute! With his soft snores and his peaceful face, his muttered words coming from his dreams. I leaned down to his forehead and kissed it."I like you too." I said before I took his arm off me and got up to pack my sleeping bag.

Natsu's POV:
I felt something poke my cheek, but I shrugged it of and turned over. I felt it poke my cheek again, and again, and again. Finally I sat up grabbed what ever was poking my face and pulled it toward me. I was surprised when I felt a person fall into my lap. I looked down to see Lucy with an annoyed looking face."Mornin' Luce!" I said as she sat up." Yeah, for you. You sleep like a freaking rock." she mumbled."Hey its not my fault. You just weren't trying hard enough." I said."Oh yeah. How would you recommend waking someone up?" she asked sarcastically. I put my hand to my chin and sat in deep thought. Suddenly I had an idea and I smirked."What?" she asked as I leaned forward. My hands instantly went to her waist as I started tickling her. She gasped then burst out laughing."I might try something like this." I said. "S-stop haha, Natsu- haha PLEASE!" she struggled to say inbetween fits of laughter. I stopped and let her catch her breath."Very funny Natsu." she said sarcastically, even though she was smiling widely. I felt a rush of joy at having the ability to make her smile like that.

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