Chapter 12

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Eleanor hummed a tune by the Script as she went through the different kinds of skirts, from pencil skirts to flowy ones. She finally found one that would go nicely with Adelaide’s skin tone. As she picked it up, her iPhone rang simultaneously in her bag. With difficulty, she held the hanger that held the skirt under her arm and dug through the shoulder bag for the white iPhone.

Once retrieving it, she looked to the screen to find a picture of Louis sticking his tongue out at the camera. Eleanor smiled at the photo, sliding the green button before pressing the phone to her cheek.

“Morning, Lou Bear,” she said, adjusting her hold on the skirt, “How’re you doing?”

“I’m doing well, El,” he said, chuckling at his rhyme, “Have you seen Niall anywhere, by any chance?”

“I saw him running through the plaza.”

“What? How the bloody hell did he get all the way there by foot?”

“By foot? Didn’t he take a cab?”

“No, El, I watched him running. Never seen him run so fast before.”

“Hmm,” she said in response, half into the conversation. It was when Louis mentioned Adelaide having to do with the whole matter that she remembered the Irish girl, spinning around to locate her.

Her eyes widened, the skirt held under her arm falling to the floor.

“El? Eleanor? Is something wrong?” Louis said through the phone, hearing the ruckus on Eleanor’s end, “What’s happened?”

Squealing, Eleanor said, “I’ll have to call you back!”

“What-Eleanor! Don’t-”

In the middle of his sentence, Eleanor hung up the phone on her boyfriend.


Adelaide’s eyes widened as Niall suddenly pressed his lips to hers, caught completely off guard. Not knowing what else to do in the situation, she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Her strategy seemed to work well, because she actually enjoyed it.

Niall suddenly pulled away, causing Addie to open her eyes. In front of her stood a distressed and embarrassed looking Irishman, his cheeks tinted a light pink and his lips tugging at a smile.

“I-er, sorry. I don’t know what got into me,” he muttered.

“Oh,” she said, blushing a bit as she stared down at her Chuck Taylors.

“Well, uh, I just came to make sure you were alright and all,” Niall said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “Dreams sometimes come true, and I just wanted to-”

Adelaide cut him off from his rambling by kissing him yet again, this time catching him off guard. His arms stuck to his sides for a few seconds before he reacted, kissing her back and holding her waist.

Fix You {Niall Horan}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora