Chapter 10

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“Addie,” Niall said, as he handed the last of his bags off to Paul at the train station, “This is Eleanor. Eleanor, this is Adelaide.”

“Nice to meet you, Addie,” the brunnette smiled, giving her a light hug, “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s lovely to meet you too,” Addie said, as they pulled away from the hug, “Louis’ said a lot about you as well.”

Eleanor smiled and beckoned over to two seats on the train, where she and Addie sat, getting comfortable for the train ride. Louis and Niall looked on as they began a conversation about clothes and such.

“So how do you know Niall, again?” Eleanor asked Addie, “I’ve heard some bits and pieces, but not the whole thing.”

“He dated my best friend in secondary school,” Adelaide sighed, tying her hair into a ponytail, “Her name was Marta.”

“The French exchange student?” 


“I see...” Eleanor said, squinting, “And are they still together now?”

“Nah,” Addie said, biting her bottom lip as she snuck a glance at the Irish boy, who was talking to Louis, “They broke up the year after that.”

“Hmm...” Eleanor said, reading the look on Addie’s face, “I see you fancy him.”

Adelaide whirled around, “What!?”

“You fancy him, don’t you?” Eleanor laughed, as Adelaide turned a shade of red, “Don’t lie, I know you do.”

“H-How? Wh-What?” Addie stuttered, her shoulders sagging in defeat as she stared up at the ceiling for answers.

“I can see the way you look at him, Addie,” Eleanor smiled, “I just know it.”

“Okay fine,” Adelaide sighed, moving her gaze to the fabric of her jeans, “Maybe a little bit.”

“I knew it,” Eleanor laughed mischievously, rubbing her hands together.

“Don’t tell anyone, yeah?” Addie pleaded, “It’s not something new, but not old either.”

Eleanor smiled again, placing her hand on top of Addies before saying, “If I were you, I’d tell him.”


“Have you told her yet?” Louis whispered, making Niall jump.

“Sort of,” he said, eyeing Adelaide as she tied her wavy, brown hair into a ponytail, her side bangs partially covering her forehead.

Louis arched his eyebrows, tugging Niall to face him as he said, “What do you mean by that, ‘sort of?’ Have you told her not?”

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