Chapter 11

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“Ni... Niall.”

The voice was faint and angelic, a whimper or a call for help. He heard it, too, and shrugged it off as a dream. The next word, however, made him bolt out of bed.


He sat up, more wide awake than ever. Chest rising and falling as he breathed, he looked to the left to find the bed empty. Niall threw the covers off his body and swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up. The door to the room was left ajar, and his heartrate quickened.

He grabbed a stray pair of jeans that were on the floor of the hotel room and tugged them on, pulling a jumper over his head as well. In a hurry, he slipped his high tops on without socks, and made his way out.

“Hello?” he called, feeling the door close and hit his back as he stood against the doorframe. Looking right towards the end of the hall, where the rest of the boys’ rooms were, he found nothing. Quiet.

Eery, type of quiet.

He wanted to wake Zayn or Liam, knowing they would understand him best. Louis and Harry would just laugh at him and probably swear before going back to sleep. 

A sudden shuffling noise made him snap his neck the other way, to the left, and found another empty hallway. Shrugging it off, he began unlocking his door to go back to sleep when he saw it.

A shoe.

Squinting, he leaned over in his spot to have a better look at the object at the end of the hall. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he stood up straight.

It wasn’t a shoe, it was a foot.

He stuffed the room key in his jean pocket and sprinted towards the foot, which was visible behind the wall that led down to another hall. As soon as he was about ten feet away from it, however, it disappeared. The lights flickered overhead, but he ignored them as he continued running towards the foot.

The sounding of the bell of the lift signaled someone was on their way down, so he ran towards it. Once he got to the lifts, however, he was nearly frozen at the sight.

There, lay Adelaide, being dragged into the lift by another man. The man looked up, his blue eyes glistening in the light of the hallway. Niall’s jaw dropped and he instantly became unfrozen, running towards the open lift. 

He was too late, however, when the doors closed, leaving the two inside. His eyes watered as he slammed his fist on the doors of the lift, but it was no use. Backing away, his back it the wall and he slid down until he was on the floor, his knees pulled to his chest and face buried in his arms.

“No,” he croaked, tears spilling out of his eyes, “This can’t be right.”

In his peripheral vision, he saw a door. A dark door leading to some place. He sat up, looking at it, when he realized it was the stairs. Heaving in one last breath, he stood up abruptly and ran toward the door, yanking it open and running down the stairs.

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