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"E-excuse me?"

"We're charging you with suspected murder please turn around."

"W-what?! You can't do that! I did not do anything! I want a lawyer!"

The officers took my hands and brought them behind my back, handcuffing them. "Anything you say can and will be used against you..." I zoned out of the words as tears threatened to pour, the officers hauled me out of the building. Many people starting and whispering, judging.

I sat in the back of the car, "Why am I being charged?! I did not do anything!"

"Ms. Grande, would you like another charge to add to the attempted murder?" I bit my lip, where the fuck was Justin?!

We arrived at the police station, the same officers hauled me out of the car and into the station.

"This is Ariana Grande." They checked me into the desk, a tall familiar figure emerged from behind the desk. "Ariana?" I recognized him as Jonah, the police chief. The boss. "I would have never thought."

I shook my head breaking out stares and met eyes with somebody I never wanted to see again, James and Lita stood side by side, watching me get checked in.

"Alright now let's go Ariana." I was pulled by the arms down a hallway to an interrogation room, I've been in them so many times but never as the criminal.


I sat down, still cuffed the officer left the room and locked the door. Tears began to fall as I was suddenly hit with the power of the moment.

"Ariana Grande?" Jonah stood at the door, closed it and walked over to where I was sitting. "Did you or did you not plan to murder James Yammouni, Lita Carrie, Vinny, Carson and Josh little?"

I stared up at him, "I want my lawyer here now. You cannot deny me my rift to have a lawyer here."

"Who is you lawyer?" A look of anger disclosed over his face, "All of his information is in my purse that was confiscated from me." I stared back with a stone cold parish. "I would like to have him here now."

Jonah walked out of the room, I rubbed my face over and over again, waiting, wondering. I never knew I would ever be in this predicament.

"I got your lawyer on the phone, Ms. Grande," "he'll be here shortly." I smirked knowing I got my own way, "Thank you, Jonah."

"Your boyfriend, Justin Bieber, uh correction. Officer Bieber. Did he take any part in this?" I narrowed my eyes, "I am not talking until my lawyer gets here."

I turned forward to stare at the vacant chair ahead of me sighing heavily, I closed my eyes.

Once I opened them again, Jonah was sitting in the chair, his eyes dark and starring into mine. The room fell silent, I could hear my heart beating; my inhaling and exhaling.

I shook my head, starring straight back into his eyes.

"Ms. Grande, how badly do I have to beg you," he took a sip of the water that was on the steel table "to tell me some fucking facts!" He slammed the cold plastic glass on the table, a few drops spilling out of the sides. Once again, I shook my head and looked down.

I heard the legs of the chair squeak unpleasantly. Shallow footsteps echoed against my heavy heart and breathing.

Jonah's meaty fingers trailed up my hand, my arm and shoulder. He softly massaged my neck then left his fingers behind my ear, I cringed not wanting to lose my temper. He switched to the back of his hand which caressed my cheek.

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