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Tonight was finally the night I would propose to June. We were going to a picnic off side of our favorite hiking trail, I was sure she would say yes so I wasn't fretting too much.

"The smell is so beautiful here, Justin." Junes tiny fingers interlocked with mine, I could only hold hers between my massive ones. "The scenery is too." My gaze was directly pointed at her intentionally, the only thing I could see was her beautiful hair and eyes.

"Oh stop it, you're too corny..." "Don't call me corny or I won't say sweet things anymore." Kissing her cheek we stopped in the perfect place.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I know that." She didn't return the I love you, which saddened me. I would get over it: it's probably because I love her more.

We sat down in a perfect patch of grass over-looking an array of astounding nature, the moment was too right but there was this little voice in my head screaming not to do it. It was like a warning, a warning that I ignored.

"June, I love you, so much. These years will you have been a blessing, I know our schedules are constantly crazy, we barely get any time together but I wanted to make this work so..." I bent down on my knee, taking the little velvet box from my pocket. "Will you marry me?"

The atmosphere suddenly turned thick, I could not breath and I was sure that June couldn't either. Our eyes met and broke away over and over, I was beginning to grow tired as I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Well..."

"No." "What? I thought we loved eachother!?" She shook her head, June was about to say something but she stopped. "I love you but I don't want to go in that direction too soon..."

I could physically feel the pain eroding in my chest, I had to fight myself from breaking out into fits of rage and anger, my heart was broken I couldn't believe it.


12:00 pm.

I had just woken up, my mother was sitting next to me but I wanted to see another person beside her.

I take that back, I wanted to be alone. Right now all I needed was an Advil and go fall back asleep, I had to wait for the Advil but I didn't know if I was going to fall back asleep anytime soon. "When do you think I'll be able to get out of here?" My mom shrugged softy as she flipped through the paper. I felt like I was sixteen, in reality I was twenty five and scared out of my mind.

"Honey, you know you're welcome to live with your father and I until you think you're able to live on your own again..." She put the paper away.

"I know that, you wouldn't mind if I did? Just a few weeks. I want to buy a new apartment, closer to the studio. More upper class..." I nodded, trying to plan out my future. "How long until you'll return to work?" "As soon as I'm released, I'm not going to be a wuss mom." We both laughed and for the first time in forever I felt normal, my guard wasn't up and my confidence wasn't beaten - I felt alright.


A few more days had passed, Justin Bieber hasn't come back. Was that it? I didn't even say goodbye properly- or a formal thank you.

Being a cop can be crazy, I guess.

My Dad finally came back from Ontario to see me, he was on a business trip.

Chris, nor any of my colleagues came to visit. Only drop off flowers and balloons to the nurses desk, which were delivered to me.

"Ms. Grande? You're ready to be released you just have to sign a few consent forms." Doctor Karrix smiled in through the door frame, meeting my mothers eyes we both seemed to gleam with excitement. "Of course." I took the papers, briefly reading over them and then signing. Before I knew it I was in the back seat of my Mom and Dad's car.

911 | JarianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora