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"He'll be here in less than a minute guys! Quickly!" I just set the phone down in our bait house, before getting into position.

This son of a bitch wanted to take Ariana away, well I was gonna take him out.

I didn't want Ariana back, honestly speaking. I had Lita, she was extremely hot and exclusively mine.

She was also getting us all of our information.

"BC RCMP!" Vinny, Carson, Josh and I all made eye contact before dashing out.

Vinny grabbed Justin from behind in a choke hold, Carson came and pierced a knife in his side, while Josh ripped off his vest, I shot him right in the chest.

Justin collapsed in Vinnys arms, we all laughed as I lowered the gun down.

"W-what? Is? G-going on? I..." Justin gasped as he struggled to breath. I walked over and stepped on his hand. "You're paying me back for all the bullshit you put us through."

Vinny pulled the knife out of his side, throwing it back to Carson.

I looked down at him, he struggled to breath but I could care less. He was beading in and out of reality.

More sirens rang through the air, we all scattered off an left Justin's frail body on the ground outside the house.

We all got into our get away cars,

"June, dial Vinny." She nodded, I drove as fast as I could away from the scene, once we were safe I slowed down.

"Hello?" "Yeah it's me, you guys behind me?" "Yeah we are." "So what are we doing about Ariana now?"

The line went silent, I could hear some discussion before I heard June. "I want her to fuckin' suffer." June scoffed, I laughed trying to agree with her. "Me too." All of us laughed in Union.


I picked up my phone and failed Justin's number,

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice answered the phone, yet I remembered. "Who's this...?" "This is Rick, This is Ariana?" My breath hitched, "Where's Justin?"

The line was silent for what felt like forever. "He's in the hospital." My eyes widened, "Oh my god! What happened to him?!" "He's... Asleep. You might want to come down here yourself. I'll explain." Tears formed, "alright I'll be there as soon as possible" I hung the phone up, stood up and grabbed my stuff and walked out of my office as quickly as I could. I could hear a few people saying my name but I continued to walk. I finally got outside and into my car.

I drove off in a frenzy, no mood for anything. I just wanted to know if Justin was okay.


One of the ward nurses escorted me to Justin's room. The door was slightly ajar, I walked in.

He lay on the bed almost lifeless, it made me I'll just thinking about it. My heart broke with every second I stared, tears threatened to pour.

"He got shot, and stabbed. I found him at some empty house. I think it was a set up." I glanced over to see a familiar face. Rick, he was with Justin when they arrested James. But shot?! Stabbed?!

"What?! How many times..." "Once each." I rushed over to Justin, grabbing his weak hand in mine I held it tightly. Rick pulled up a chair for me, I sat down still close to Justin.

This reminded me of the first time he got shot.

But this time, it was far more critical. Way too personal.

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