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I woke up, my head was resting on the warm embrace of Justin's hand, I heard soft snores emit from his lips as I yawned.

I sat up, stretching and pulling my hair out of the messy pony tail.

I really needed to use the washroom, I stood up and adjusted my skirt, my phone rang, making me jump. I looked over at Justin who flinched ad began to move around on the bed.

I walked out of the room to not wake him up,


"Hi Ariana are you alright? You never phone last night?" Chris was on the phone, sounding concerned. "I'm so sorry Chris, I totally forgot... I'm just really concerned about Justin and everything, oh-" "take today off, you probably stayed there all night." I sighed, "What about the report?" "I'll finish it, don't worry." "Thanks Chris... I really appreciate it." "Bye, Ariana." "Goodbye Chris..."

I hung up, making my way to the washroom. I was extremely stressed out and yet again worried about Justin.


I woke up looking to my sides and Ariana was nowhere to be found. I didn't see her phone or bag anywhere... She must have left. No note?

Furiously I ran my fingers through my hair. I was going crazy... June or Ariana? June. Or. Ariana?! I told Ariana I was ready to move on, but I'm not so sure.

Maybe I should...

My eyes drifted toward the window, a soft breeze caressed the rose bushes. I sighed, not wanting to make a bad choice. Give up on June? Or give up on Ariana?

Long pauses of thought consumed the silence into a thick hard to breathe mist. I knew I had to let go of June, what's the point of holding onto something that's just going to keep letting go? Maybe one day Ariana and I could become closer, we could aspire into something great, loyal, where I could pour all my love because honestly she was growing on me.

I rolled over to grab my phone, I saw the opened text message from Ariana.

'Hi justin it's me, Ariana. How's work?'

I decided to send her a message, I wondered if she could come back.

'Hey Ariana... Where are you?'

"Oh hey, don't worry I'm still at the hospital I'll be back in a sec!'

Finally I felt relieved.

No more then a second later, Ariana walked in with a bottle of water in one hand and her phone in the other. "Hey sorry, I didn't want to wake you." She sat down on the battered chair beside my bed. "It's alright, I understand."

We smiled at one another for the longest time, "When I get out we should go for that coffee you promised me." She laughed softly, hiding her shinny teeth in her hands. "Of course, Justin."

The way my name rolled off her tongue made me smile, it was perfect and it didn't sound nasally like how June says it.



I walked into the coffee shop to see Justin sitting at a far table, reading a news paper. "Hi.." I walked up to him quickly. He smiled, hobbling over in his air cast and hugging me tight. "I missed you..." "It's been two days." "Two days too long, Justin." We both laughed. "I watched you on the news, you're on T.V more and more these days, huh?"

I sat in my chair, blushing softly. "Yeah, I have. I think it's because Chris feels bad about James and everything." I sighed, "I hate how he treats me like I'm this delicate flower... I want to be let go of." Justin nodded, "Talk to Chris and see if it's just sympathy because if it's that then he might stop it." I nodded, understanding.

911 | JarianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora