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"Justin!" I giggled softly, his fingers danced on my skin.

"Not until you say it!" We both laughed hard, "I have to get ready for work!" "Say it Ari!" "No!" "Yes!" He continued to tickle me, I tried to pry his fingers off of me, it was no use. "You're the best! There!" I laughed hard, "aaannnd??" He continued to tickle, "I love you."

"Why was that second part so hard to say?" Justin smirked softly at me, he got off the bed and went into the mirror adjusting his collar, "You would make me say the first part first, Jay." I kissed his cheek softly, resting my hands at his side. "You look good today."

Justin turned around, grabbing my sides. "I know I do, you look even better though." Our lips attached in a deep kiss. "What time are you going in today, Ariana?" "At noon, but I don't get off until 8:30." "I get off at 8:45, when we get home we should go for dinner. Casual." I nodded.

"Alright babygirl I'll see you tonight..."

"Bye, Justin." We kissed once more before he left out the door.

I turned back around to the clothes I had lay out on the bed, which were now wrinkled due to Justin and I's little frenzy.

I still haven't moved into Justin's house, nor him into mine. We just have little sleep overs some nights at eachothers houses.

I went to my bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag, walking back to the vanity in my room, I got ready.


"I'm Ariana Grande and thank you for watching Global National, we'll be back tonight. Bye bye." I smiled into the camera as our producer counted off 5 seconds, our theme music played and the lights dimmed.

I walked off the stage and right into Chris. "Ouch, whoops sorry..." I wouldn't have even noticed the flowers in his hand if he never said anything.

"Uh, these flowers..." Chris spoke awkwardly which made me feel extremely empathetic. "Chris you know-" "no they're not from me. They were left in your dressing room addressed to you so I think they're from Justin." I took them in my arms, smelling the lilacs. "Thank you Chris... Uh, I'll be in my office working on reports for tonight's broadcast..." He nodded, "Oh and the case on the public water fountains are not to be talked about tonight either- I'll give them to dawn for tomorrow." I nodded, walking back to my office.

I texted Justin with a smile on my face.

Thanks for the flowers. :)

You're welcome? What flowers...

I got flowers today? Left in my office while I was doing my show...?

Are you sure they're not from Chris.

I'm sure, I don't think he would.

Oh well. Secret admirers? Love you I had to go.

Love you too.

I sighed, who would give me flowers? Maybe it was just fans or maybe it was Chris. Who knows?

I sat down, preparing the paper work and filling it in.

I loved my job, yet I hated it. I was doing a report on a boy who was taken, found and mutilated in Oregon. I didn't like talking about these incidents on the news but it had to be done, people had to be warned.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, unsure of who was there. "Ariana? It's me, James."

I sighed. "James please..."

Hearing his voice ached me, it sounded like a thousand angels crying with no cure, no medium. "Ariana, I want to apologize. You're everything to me except mine, I want you to be at least my friend. I fell in love with you but my job stressed me out, you were making cash but I felt weak because I couldn't. I love you, you're beautiful and smart. I know that you, uh, have that Bieber guy but I was your first love. Right? When we used to cuddle... I would hold you. We would go for walks..."

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