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"Damn baby, I can't wait until I can scavenge you again..." I laughed softly as Justin slapped my ass. "I mean, we could anytime. You're feeling better aren't you?"

"Yeah, I just wanna take it easy." He gripped my waist from behind, my stomach doing flips. "BecauSe I know as soon as I get my hands on this body," he leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "You'll never forget it."

I bit my lip hard, chills surfing and sliding down my back and toes. I wanted to run a lap, I wanted to scream. That's how excited he was making me.

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. We kissed passionately, his hands rubbed up and down my sides, my fingers tangling in his hair.

Justin tried to lift me onto the counter, I helped him as he then stood between my legs. We continued to kiss, our lips moving perfectly in sync.

It wasn't heated, it was passionate. It was love, I knew it was because I've fallen more in love with this man than any other, that was facts.

We soon pulled away, I could only rest my head against Justin's chest listening to his heart beat, which was slow and steady. Although I felt like I needed to protect him, I felt the most protected.

"I love you, Ariana. I love you more than anybody, than anything."

I nodded softly, "I love you, too,"



"You guys I swear to god I'm being followed!" I raged into Lita's door, I already knew that the rest of the gang was here.

"James, calm the fuck down!" Carson walked up to me, grabbing my shoulders. "I know man, I just hope it's not Ariana's uncle."

I ran my hands through my hair, I should have known that if we hurt Justin she would send Tom after us.

We were done fucking around, we were ready to go out separate ways.

"Kill the bitch!" June yelled from the table. She used to be a police officer, she used to date Justin. But she quit.

"Ariana? I can't hurt her anymore." I shook my head and sat down, "Where's Lita?" I fixed my hair as Vinny walked down the stairs. "She's at Ariana's apartment." I nodded, "Why can't she just leave them alone..."

Vinny and Carson were dragging me into this, Josh and I didn't want to hurt them any longer but they insisted. Especially June. We just used Lita to get information. She knows everything we do.

"I got a text, Justin's out of the hospital and they're over at her house. Apparently he's been there all day, Tom and him have been meeting a lot lately."

"Who the fuck is Tom?!" Carson stood up and yelled, we've all been talking about him but nobody told him who he was.

"I told you! He's Ariana's uncle! He's in a fucking gang!," "and I think he's following me." The room grew silent,

"I don't want to do anything illegal anymore, Lita find out what Tom is doing with Justin and Ariana, we'll figure it out from there."

"Who are you to make orders?" Vinny stood up, "I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Legal or not!" "C-can you let go of me now Vinny.." Lita stepped up behind Vinny, "I'll figure out what their up to baby." I pulled her into my arms, "I don't want anybody to get hurt anymore."

She nodded, Vinny only shook his head in anger, "if they threaten us I'm 'gonna kill them. Nobody's going to stop me."

We all stared at Vinny as he stormed out the door. "We're screwed." "I know."

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