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I felt reassured once I took one look at the pregnancy test.


That's one less thing I have to tell Justin about. Why was my period late?

Maybe it's just because of things changing in my body, yeah that was it.

Now, I just had to tell Justin about James, how in the hell would I do that?!


Unknown POV

"I saw her today, she went out to the store without Justin this time."

"What did she buy? Did you see?"

"A pregnancy test. That's what I saw."

"What?! She's already pregnant?!"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Confirm whether or not she's pregnant, if she is we can't harm them both, it has to be only him."


"I don't want her to be harmed. If. She. Has. A baby."

"Well, alright."

"He still doesn't know I'm alive."

"I know that's the funny part."



"Knock knock?" I walked into Ariana's house, she was cleaning the place up in a tight pair of shorts and tank top. "Hey, Justin." I came up behind her, holding her. She turned around and kissed me. "Hey beautiful."

"How was work?" We let go, she picked up the cloth she was using and the windex. I followed her to the kitchen were she rang the cloth out.

"Eh, was good. Usual you know, how was your day, sweetheart?" "It was lonely, but I got through it." I laughed, she was so perfect.

"Hey babe I was wondering, a few of my friends and their girlfriends are going out tonight to the bar. Would you like to come?" She smile wide, "Yeah I would love to actually. What time?" "In an hour." I placed my hands at her sides and brought her lips to mine. We kissed passionately at the moment, her arms wrapping around my neck as she stood on her tip toes. We kissed more and more, until she broke away. "I'm going to get ready." I smirked softly, she began to walk away so I slapped her ass lightly. "Justin!" I laughed. "Sorry..."


"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Ariana."

I held Justin's hand tight, I tried to seem like I was calm but inside I was nervous as hell.

I saw two men and two girls, I thought I knew one of them.


Justin and I walked toward the table an sat down, I shook the two men's hands and the two girls.

The first guy's name was Ryan. His girlfriends name was Carrie.

Then there was Chaz, his girlfriends name was Pauline.

"Ariana? We were best friends in high school!" I smiled wide, we both stood up and hugged. "Holy crap it's been so long since we've seen eachother... I mean, I see you on the news everyday but close and personal like this!" I laughed softly, Ryan seemed to be looking at me in a weird way, causing Justin's fingers to dip into my waist. "That's crazy, we were brought together again." I smiled weakly. We all sat down together, Justin still visibly had his hand around my waist, I sighed softly looking over at him. "Hey Ryan, are you just going to keep looking at Ariana all night or?" I placed my hand firmly on his thigh in an effort to calm him. "No, just a new face." Carrie looked down which made my heart ache, I really hope Ryan wasn't to running-around type. She didn't deserve that.

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