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"Ariana why are you wearing that? It looks ugly." Peering down at my outfit, I sighed. "It could look better if you let me take this jacket off..." it was a black and heavy one made for hiking. James bought it for me, so I could 'hide my body from nosey eyes'

"Are you going against me? I told you my opinion and I'm right. You have no say, no change. I can't stand looking at you, you're a fat slob." He shook his head in disgust, putting on his shoes. "When you work out a bit more and try harder to please me, then you can have a choice."

Tears threatening to pool out of my eyes, I turned back at him. "Stop talking to me like that James..."

"Excuse me?! It's not my fault you eat too much! Get some ass and tits." Shaking his head, he began to walk to the door. "Fuck you!" I reached up and slapped him right across the face, he then grabbed my arm and twisted it making me yelp in pain.

"If you ever touch me again I'll  kill you." James got right into my face, seething through his teeth, I internally cringed. "how dare you talk to me like that?! I thought we loved eachother James! What happened to date nights and romance and watching movies together and sleeping in the same bed every night?"

"Get out.." His eyes still burned anger, "what?" "Get the fuck out!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "YOU GET OUT! I PAY FOR THIS HOME!" I could feel something almost snapping inside of him, James grabbed my by my throat, slamming me against the wall; his fingers digging deeper. "You get the fuck out!" He screamed back in my face, I didn't have it in me to fight back anymore. I grabbed my keys and lunch and walked, sobbing softly.


June still hasn't returned my call, I texted and called over and over again. 

Jonah took me off dispatch so I could continue my interview with Ariana Grande, honestly I didn't understand why news outlets were making this into a big story, it was just my job, and I love doing it. That's why I continue, thats why I did it so well.

I drove through the warm streets until I finally found the news studio, I liked the studio, it smelled nice and catered to my stereotype needs; donuts.

I only had the basics of my police uniform on, Ariana had emailed me earlier asking if I could wear it just as an effect for the interview, to show my true colours. I wasn't sure what exactly we were doing today but I was ready.


There was the familiar loud, yet faint knock at my door from the familiar knuckles, He was here once again. I straightened my skirt out as I walked to the door opening it, Justin stood in his police uniform just as I had asked. His eyes seemed to wander over my arms and throat... Were the marks still visible? Quickly I looked down, "Hi how are you today?"

I invited him in, he sat in the usual spot as I went to adjust the camera so it was facing him. "I'm alright, you don't seem to okay? Did you get into a fight or something...?" Justin stood up again, becoming too close for comfort. "What do you mean?" "On your throat... Are you being a abused? This is very serious you know nothing to joke or avoid..." I stepped back a few steps, "My boyfriend gave me a necklace that his sister gave him. We didn't realize it was fake until it left the marks on my neck. They're hard to get off!" I laughs softly hoping he'd buy it. "Mmhm..."


The interview was finally over, I didn't need to associate with him again after this unless I needed to make alterations. I was hoping I didn't need to.

"If you ever need anything, just drop by the police station and ask for me..." Justin was still a bit skeptical about my tarnish story but he would have to buy it. "It was nice meeting you, though Mrs. Grande." "Ms. And nice to meet you too, Mr. Bieber." We both smiled.

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