Chapter Thirty-Two ❤️❤️❤️

Start from the beginning

"Well when you put it like that-" She grins as he lets her go and she hops off her stool, putting both their dishes in the sink. Henry watches her with a smile as he grabs his book bag. That's yet another thing they'll have to get her. She rises out the bowls in a slightly better mood. Henry was right. What was she worrying for? Everything would work out just fine! Henry glances up at the clock and curses, his eyes wide.

"We're late!" He says loudly as Nora fumbles and the bowl clatters back into the sink with a crash. Nora jumps, scaring herself as her curses echo Henry's.

"Crap." Nora mutters to her water splashes shirt, as she turns off the faucet. "Okay let's go, let's go." Nora says as she dries her hands with a hand towel and throws it on the island, walking towards where Henry stands at the open door.

"Only you would be late on your first day, Nora." Nora scoffs at him as he speed walk down the street.

"Yea well, I'm never really on time for anything now am I?" She asks playfully as she starts running down the street. She hears Henry laughs behind her and start running as well. They weren't officially late yet, they were just going to be if they didn't hurry. So now the pair of them run down the street towards school, wind whipping around them as passerbyers smiled happily at them. It was moments like these that made Storybrooke seem like the perfect small town, but we all very well know that is untrue. After a few more minutes of running, they came to a stop at the from of the school, both gasping for breath.

"I win." Nora says cheekily as Henry points to the door they need to go in.

"Yeah, well you carry a backpack next time." Nora laughs as shakes her head, kissing Henry's cheek.

"I will, and I'll still win." She says cockily as Henry pulls open the door of her to walk through. Storybrooke's school is just like Storybrooke in that small town charm kind of way. All grades Pre-K through twelfth went here and there still were not many students. The halls were covered in children's works of art, and smelled of children and paint. People still lingered in the hallways by the lockers, were the older kids classrooms are. Nora felt uneasy as she walked down the hallway next to Henry, the playful air of a few moments ago completely evaporated. People looked at the girl they hadnt met before and whispered. After all Storybrooke was a small town and if small towns are known for anything, magical or not, it was gossip. And it didn't help that Nora had the pleasure of encountering Lucy White, the town gossip. Unlike Nora, Henry wasn't nervous at all. He had grown up here and knew all the kids and who to steer Nora away from and who too not. Though he too hear the whispers, catching words like .

"New girl."

"Where did she even come from?"

"She doesn't even go here."

"Why is she with Henry?"

"Why doesn't she have a uniform? Is she trying to get attention?"

"She needs to back away from my man."

"How did she get to Storybrooke?"

"Is she Henry's girlfriend? Are the rumors true?"

"Is she like one of those rebels that like, smokes?"

"Who is she related to?"

"Does she have powers?"

Not only was Nora getting annoyed with all the chatter, so was Henry. For such a small school they all had really big mouths. There was no need for a schedule because the class was so small, they all just had the same classes at the same time. Goodie. Nora thinks, there is no breathing room. Henry threads his fingers through her's as she tore her gaze from directly in front of her to Henry, her hard features softening.

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