The Red Feather 1

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The Red Feather

Chapter One

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The consistent sound of beeping was playing in my ears. I heard the soft whispers of people around me too. My body felt like a weight, even my eyes wouldn’t open. Yet, I heard the sounds that were around me.

“Well he is stable now. If it wasn’t for your medical attention, he would have died.” A male’s voice said.

“Is that so? Well, I am glad he will recover.” A new voice said. It was a female’s voice and it was thick with worry.

“Recover is a strong word miss. He will be lucky if he can even use his legs again. Now, excuse me, I have another patient.” The male voice said and then I heard footsteps.

When the footsteps faded I was able to open my eyes. I saw a girl, no older than 18, standing by the window. She had waist long pink hair. It was darker at the top and faded to a soft pink as it went down her body. She looked average height for a girl, and she was pale skinned.

When she turned around her eyes got huge. Those eyes were amazing. They were a pale pink, but they were bright and deep. She was busty and her face was soft and kind. I had never seen her before in my life, and I was wondering why she was there.

“Um, hello.” She said. She looked uncomfortable. “I don’t know if you remember, but you were at a bar a while back and well, you picked a fight with the wrong demon…and well…” Her eyes drifted towards the ground.

“I remember.” I coughed. She glanced up, her expression unreadable.

“Well then, explain to me, why a hunter like you was alone there?” She sat down in the chair beside me.

“Answer me first.” I coughed again and she slide water my way. “How did you know I was a hunter? How did I get to the hospital?” I took a sip of the water to calm the coughing.

“Well…I called 911 after I got them off of you. I preformed immediate medical procedures and kept you breathing until the medics got to you and brought you here. I knew you were a hunter because I was there while you were killing the demons. I happened to be in the area and caught sight of you.” The girl said and looked at the door. She was watching to make sure no one walked in while we were talking about this.

“Who are you?” I asked, suspicious of her now.

“Forgive me if I am wrong, but were you not raised by Demetrius and Isabella?” She said and looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

“I was. How did you know?” I said dryly.

“Well that explains why you are a hunter. Forgive my rudeness. I am Morgan Night. I was also raised by Demetrius and Isabella. I use to visit while you were a child. Seems as though they’ve gone and outdone themselves yet again.” This girl, Morgan, looked younger than me. So I was still trying to figure out how she would visit us when she was so young.

“Ah, it seems you are still injured and can’t think well. I am not human either. Sorry to disappoint you. Now then, I shall be going hunter. I wish for your well being and good health.” Morgan got up just as the doctor came in.

“Ah, it appears he is awake.” The doctor said and she smiled.

“God has smiled upon his child.” Morgan said and walked out of the room.

Her words left a sinking feeling in my heart. They even left the doctor a little confused. He brushed it off and walked over to me. He started explaining the extent of my injuries, but I was still caught up on the fact she was a demon. She looked like a human…and nothing really screamed demon while she was in this room. She was interesting.

~Morgan’s P.O.V~

It was midnight now and I was walking around the city. The smell of blood was still fresh and all over me. That hunter’s blood was devilish. It was something that any demon would want to devour. Even I wanted to devour him when he laid unconscious in my arms earlier.

Even though it had been hours since his accident, the air was thick with the blood of the demons he killed, and of his own. It was sickening. The grey haired man was trusted enough by Demetrius and Isabella to hunt us, so I should not have to worry for him. Yet, his blood, his soul, and his body called mine. The sweet sensation of his blood running down my throat was divine. It was a miracle I could stop and move to the next cut he had without draining him of what little blood he had left in him.

The bitterness of it still lingered on my taste buds and was driving me into a blissful insanity. I now knew what Isabella meant when she said, ‘The demon of the legends is the most divine and destructive of them all. For if the demon were to be consumed by blood lust and their desires, they would only bring harm to those around them. Yet, if the demon were to overcome their ambitions and desires, if they were able to overcome the blood lust, they would bring happiness and safety to those worldwide.’

Bittersweet I suppose. The life of a demon and a human, the line so thin and so fragile, it can easily become blurred and destroyed. Truly bittersweet. 

Picture is of Morgan. 

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