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"What the hell?" I said.

"You didn't see that coming?" Clint said trying to make a joke.

"They are with Ultron. They're probably manipulating your mind." I said.

"They saved you" Natasha said. "Yeah, from what they did to me" I said looking at Wanda.

I tried not to look at Pietro or I might smile or something I'm trying to be mad.

"Look, none of us really trust them, but they saved you. And helped us get away. They will help us fight and that's what matters. Not our personal issues" Steve said.

I walked over and sat in between Wanda and Steve. Pietro was across from me looking directly at me, not even looking away.

I was flattered but couldn't let him know.

"Why weren't they sitting with you when I woke up?" I asked.

"We didn't want to make things worse for you, by the way I'm sorry about your dreams. All of you, but Im truly sorry Kyla. I know how bad yours was." She then leaned in.

"It was worse for you then everybody else's dreams for them" I leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling.

I looked back down and Pietro was smiling at me.

I flipped him off and then leaned back down.


"I'm Home!" Clint said and a woman walked out.

"Company. Sorry we didn't call ahead." Clint said and kissed a woman. "What?" I said and looked at Natasha.

She was smiling. "Guys, this is Laura." He said and hugged her again.

"I know all your names" she smiled. "Oooh incoming" he said and leaned down.

Two kids came running in to his arms.

I smiled and then they took Natasha into another room. He actually had a family, this was adorable.

I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 3:49

"We have two hours before dinner so why don't you guys pair up and get your-selfs settled.

I looked around and Natasha and Bruce were already walking out. "I'll sleep on the couch" Wanda said.

"Oh no" I mumbled.

Pietro was by my side in a second smiling. "Hello partner" he said. "I call the side of the bed closest to the wall." I said.

He nodded. "Okay" he said.

A little boy came up to us. "I'll show you your room" he said.

It was on the second floor.

It looked more like an office but there was a bed in the corner actually touching the wall and a door that was opened, showing the bathroom.

"Thank you" I said and he ran out.

I looked at Pietro and he was sitting on the bed. I walked over and sat next to him but at a fair distance.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"For?" I said,

"Making my sister scare you, it was mean. You saved my only family and I was a jerk as you say, and I apologize" he finished.

"You're forgiven." I said

"So, I usually wait until the second date before sleepin with them" He said, I smiled and let out a small laugh.

"I'm going to shower, you don't do anything stupid" I said and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed my bag on the way in and set it onto the toilet.

I turned it to a very cold setting because the others would want a hot shower and they needed it. I didn't care.

I washed my hair with the stuff that was in there, lavender or something. I washed the blood off my arms from cuts and stuff.

I stood in there looking at the wall for about 10 minutes thinking about that day.

I then heard a knock. "Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, just thinking" I said and turned off the water.

I changed into the only clean clothes I had left other than my uniform. It was a gray long sleeved shirt that has a small pocket in the front and I put on jeans.

I opened the door and walked out. "I saved some hot water for you" I said and he walked in.

I brushed my hair and walked downstairs. Laura was in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Barton, is there any chance I could wash some of my clothes. I could also do the laundry if you need some help around here"

She smiled at me and handed me a basket.

"All of our laundry is done, but you could do everyone else's as well so they have fresh clothes." I smiled. "Thank you, where is it?" I asked.

"In the basement. Once you step over all the toys you'll find it." I thanked her again and went around to everyone's room asking for their dirty clothes.

They all gave me clothes and when I stepped into my room Pietro only had a towel around his waist.

I turned around immediately. "I need your dirty clothes. I'm doing laundry" I said. I heard a laugh and the weight of the bucket get heavier.

I closed the door and leaned against the wall for a second. He had a sweet 6-pack.

I smiled and walked to the basement

I started the clothes and walked to the couch that was down there and laid there for a few minutes just to comprehend all that's happened in the past few hours

Quicksilver An Enemy? (Pietro Maximoff)Where stories live. Discover now