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I was downstairs dressed in a black dress with black heels as well. My hair was straightened and I was with Steve and The Falcon, or Sam.

I was close with Sam since I went on the mission with Steve a year ago and helped him stop Hydra. We were all talking about how we need to go out more.

I was laughing at something Sam said when Thor walked over to us. "Sam, this is Thor" I introduced them, they shook hands and Thor looked confused at this gesture but he was from another planet so he had a valid excuse

"I kinda put that together" Sam said

"Well congratulations to all of you guys now I'm going to go to the bar" Sam said and walked out, Steve walked with him and it was just Thor and I.

"On the ship you seemed distanced" he said not making eye contact with me.

"It was a rough day" I said and he laughed. "It was for all of us, Clint is okay and is it you are feeling guilty for him?"

"No, it's just I was scared" I lied and he believed it. I was to busy crushing on a Sokovian experiment.

"I'm going to go catch up with some other friends, you have fun" I smiled at him.

I needed air. I made my way to the roof with no one noticing me. I opened the door the the roof and walked out.

The view was beautiful from here. You could see miles away and the sky was so pretty right now.

I was in my own world until I heard a crash and a scream. I knew something was wrong.

I quickly opened the door and ran to the main floor. The way down the stairs was the longest of my life even though I was running as fast as I ever have. About 20 of Stark's robots were attacking the Avengers and Dr. Cho and Agent Hill

I saw Dr. Helen Cho cornered and I ran over to the bot and jumped on its back. I took my heel off and jammed it into its neck which causes a few sparks then it died off. I fell to the ground and put my shoe back on.

Shots were fired at me so I grabbed the Dr.'s hand and ran over to the bar. I jumped over it and she did to. Probably the most athletic thing I've seen her do.

I grabbed a gun we had under the bar and stood up. I shot it and one more came my way, the gun was out of bullets so I knelt down.

"You stay here, no matter what" I said and she nodded. I stood up again and ran to the stairs. I ran up them and grabbed Cap's shield. I turned it so the bullets flew back and hit the robot.

Once I was sure it was dead I looked for Steve. "Cap!" I yelled and threw his shield to him. He began fighting a robot off with it.

Once they were all dead I walked down the stairs and grabbed the Doctor.

She was very scared so I comforted her. "Go home, you deserve a break" I said and she hugged me.

"Thank you" she said, and walked to the elevator.

Once she was gone I walked over to everyone else. "What the hell was that Tony?" I said and he backed up.

I was so pissed off right now, "All our records, gone. Ultron cleared us out, using the Internet as an escape pad." I sighed.

"So you're telling us he probably knows more than we know about each other?" I said.

"Exactly" Tony said, "He's been on everything, files, surveillance, internet" Hill said while looking at a screen.

"If he's in your files, and the Internet, what if decides to access something a little more, exciting?" Hill asked.

"Nuclear codes" Tony said. "Not the nuclear codes" Rhodes said.

Quicksilver An Enemy? (Pietro Maximoff)Where stories live. Discover now