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They began fighting, and I saw a man who was about to shoot Wanda. I jumped off the ledge I was on and ran towards him. I jumped on his back and grabbed the arm with the gun.

I then raised it towards the ceiling and took out my gun. I banged it on his head and then got off. "Close one" I said and looked back at her. She was messing with a guard.

"Thor status!" Steve yelled into the earpiece.

I listened while I took out a few more guards.

"The girl tried to warp my mind, Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay, fortunately, I am mighty." I then saw a flash go by me.

He did it again and this time, I stuck out my leg so he tripped.

"C'mon, Ultron is not who you think he is, he's trying to kill everyone, make humans become history. Please" I said and looked down at him on the ground. Pietro looked at me like he was actually considering it.

He stood up and brushed himself off.

"Thanks for saving my sister, I'm sorry" he said and I was on the ground in a second. I kept my eyes open and saw him and Wanda watch me.

I close my eyes and was at home. My mother had a knife out. "You need to be clean" she said, I was only 10 I didn't know what she meant

I screamed for help over and over but she kept getting closer.

I saw a phone in the corner of my eye.

She swung the knife at me but I ducked and grabbed the phone.

I dialed 9-1-1 and waited.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The woman asked.

"I live at 17 Flounder Road my mom has a knife and is trying to kill me!" I yelled while also crying.

I was so scarred, I won't be able to forget this. I was on the second floor of my house in my room when my mom came in. After I called I threw the phone at her and ran out of my room.

I had a cut on me but that was it. I ran outside and saw a tree. I was on a branch about 9 feet high when she came up. She was a branch across me.

I thought she was to old to climb but she did, I decided I should jump.

I jumped out of the tree and landed on my left side. I heard a groan and she was next to me. I got up but she slashed my left arm. "You need to be clean"

I screamed and ran across the road.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

I was breathing very heavily.

We were on the jet. Everyone was laying around in their own thoughts.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Wanda and mind control, we're all pretty beat up" Clint said, I walked over and sat by Natasha in the corner.

I hugged her and she hugged me back. While I hugged her a man came out of the passengers seat.


Wanda then walked out from the bathroom.

"What the hell?"


Wanda messed with her head and she fell to the ground. We stood there a few seconds longer and I watched her.

She was screaming and crying in her dream. "Wanda reverse it," I said, "what?" She asked. "Make it stop!" I yelled.

"I can't, it's to late" she said. I picked her up and moved her against the wall so she was out of the line of fire.

"Please try" I asked Wanda. She waved her hands around but it got worse. "What the hell did you do?" I asked.

"I am- she's" Wanda said. She was living her nightmare to.

Wanda began screaming and opened her eyes.

"What is she seeing, what's happening?"

"She's 10 I think, a woman is trying to kill her, I think it's her mother or sister though because they look alike."

I felt so guilty right now I can never forgive myself. She even saved Wanda when I was occupied and were the enemies right now.

I grabbed Wanda and we had to help her. Believe her at least.

What have we become? I thought.

"Wanda I'm going to bring her to their jet. She's right" I said.

"What?, but Stark almost killed us he-"

"Kyla said that he didn't fire the missiles another company stole them. And I believe Kyla. She also saved you from being shot. And think about it, what did Stark do to Ultron that was so bad. Why does he want to kill them all.

It doesn't make sense. Now you can come with me or probably get killed when we fight you and Ultron."

Quicksilver An Enemy? (Pietro Maximoff)Where stories live. Discover now