Chapter 26

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"Do you need anything else for tonight?"

"Nah. Thanks so much Stef. I can never do these parties without you!"

"Hey, it was your idea to create these parties. If it weren't for you, our whole grade would have nothing to do, and we wouldn't be that friendly!"

"I'll see ya then?" I agreed and hung up! Finally, I've been waiting for Sunday to come! Then Wednesday is our last day of school! And Monday is when I'm leaving! June is almost coming to an end!

I laid out my outfit for tonight. I knew Phillip was going to be here. So I didn't want to wear anything that would wow him. I haven't seen him since the trip. I've been avoiding him in school. Trying to avoid him in drama class is the hardest. He would not stop looking at me, and after dismissal he follows Dan, Randy, and I. He came up to me once asking, if I was dating Randy now. Randy told me on Thursday, when going to the movies that we're better off friends, and I totally agreed. When Phillip asked me, I shook my head and walked off, him yelling my name. He even called Danny, so ask him, and he said no. Which Phillip trusted. I can't believe he lost trust in me. But I still did miss him. I asked Danny to ask Phillip about the building, since I couldn't ask my dad. Danny told me in return that the building was took down, and Phillip's friend's brother is staying with them. I cannot believe my dad went though with it. I thought he would have a heart and stop it. I guess I was wrong.

I went for a run outside. From my house to Lastdale Park.

Once I got there I took a break and sat down at the swing set. I was watching guys play football. I started looking closely and I could have seen Danny and... Phillip? Are they playing football? I see other guys there. It seems like the whole swim team was there. I got my phone and called Danny, just to see if it was true. I saw the guy reach in his pant pocket and held something, possibly a phone to his ear.

"Hey." Danny said short and fast.

"Hi. Uh, what are you up to?"

"Uh, just playing football with the swim team. Right guys? HEY STEF!" The guys yelled out. I could hear them from hear without the phone. I saw Phillip turn around to the guys and walked up to Danny.

"Stef. Phillip wants to talk to you. I did say the swim team."

"I, uh. I can't. I to go run now." I said still swinging while watching them.

"Where are you now?" He asked. It looked like he was looking right at me.

"Uh. I. I'm at home. Getting ready to go for that run I was talking about."

"You suck at being questioned. Do you want to come and watch the--"

"No. I'm good. I'm actually going home. You know your party. Gotta get ready. You should go too." I said. I was about to hang up, when from behind someone says boo which scared the crap out of me and made me fall of the swing. I scraped my knee, which started bleeding.

"Damn it." I said. I looked up and saw the sun in my face.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Stef." Phillip said coming to my side. He took his shirt off and used it as a rag to put the pressure on my knee. I squealed at the pain the pressure went on my knee. I heard running, rapid footsteps coming our way.

"Stef! Are you okay!?" Dan said coming to my other side. The guys were around us.

"I'm fine. I just fell. You know. Clumsy Stef." I chuckled.

"It's my fault. I scared her, trying to but some joy into it, and she got scared." Phillip said.

"I think you should sit." Brandon said, one of the swim-mates. The guys moved aside for me to get up, which Phillip only would allow to help. He even told Dan to not help. Phillip left the shirt on my knee and picked me up, bride and groom style. He rested me straight not a bench that had a shade from the playground and a big tree. He made me use his thigh has a pillow, even when I didn't want it.

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