Chapter 5

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When I woke up, it was morning. I slept all night! Why didn't anyone wake me for dinner? Oh well, I'll just have a big breakfast.

I cam running down after finishing freshening up. There were pancakes! Yum! I sat down and started eating, gabbing them in my mouth.

"Slow down! Leave some for you boyfriend." Daisy said coming to sit next to me.

"And for us." Derek and Chad came running in. Rocky goes to this class on Sunday. He's probably getting ready. They took some pancakes and started munching on them.

"Please don't start... Wait when is he coming?" I asked. It was 12:34pm now.

"You didn't tell me the time." I asked.

"Why should we, oh wait, so you can get ready for him." Chad said. Derek smiling along with him.

I was going to say something when the bell rang. We all looked at the door. Then turned and looked at each other again. We call ran to the door. Derek and Chad were pushing and pulling me away. Daisy didn't run, she just walked to the door. She just wanted to see what happens. But she would want him to come in. I finally got to the door first, don't ask how, I can't believe it either.

I cracked the door open a little.

"Hey coco. You weren't kidding when you said you won't let me in. But why don't you just let me in, you know I have your iPod. You might never get it back. " he was playing me.

I gave him a glare. Then someone had their hand on my shoulder and pushed me aside.

"Hey, sorry about... Her." Derek said. He got straight, and Chad came up next.

"Come on in." he said leading him to our house. Daisy waved at him and closed the door. They lead him into the living room. I leaned on the wall.

"Okay, so you came really early. Movie night is at night. So you can hang out until then." Derek said.

"Or you can leave and not come back." I snapped.

"Or you can go on another date with this gal!" Daisy said pushing me into Philip.

He caught me rapping his arms around my waist. He smiled. I felt him breathing on my neck, that's how close we were. I looked at him, and tried to pull away but her grip was to tight. He started swaying me.

"Stef!! I need your help!" Rocky said walking into the living room. He looked at me and Philip.

"Oh, so this is the guy Derek and Chad have been talking about. Daisy's right you guys are cute for each other." He said smiling. Daisy took him and gave him a hug, and put her chin on his head.

"What do you need help in?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Nothing, I'll ask Daisy. You just have... Fun!" Rocky said leaving.

No! Take me with you! He took Daisy with him.

"We have stuff to do, upstairs." Derek said hitting Chad's stomach, for the sign to leave me alone with the jerk. Philip waved at them and they were upstairs.

"Can you get your arms off of me." I said annoyed.

"Sure." He said smiling. He moved his head closer to me and his nose touched my cheek. I pulled away. And sat on the couch.

"So, what should we do now. All alone down here. Maybe this should be the start of our second date." He asked sitting down on the couch right next to me.

I didn't say anything. I took the remote and turned on the TV. I was flipping through the channels when Philip cuffed his hand on mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He put his other hand around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"You know this won't work on me." I said. I pulled away from him and looked back at the TV.

He got up and he went to the kitchen holding his phone.

I was watching old episodes of Lost. Then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and it was Philip.

"Come on." he smiled. I was going to object, but he took my hand and we ran outside and he put me in his car. He put the seat belt on for me, because I wouldn't. He drove off.

"You're kidnapping me." I said over reacting. I breathed. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

He still hasn't said anything. There was just a big smile on his face.

There was a red light and he turned to me and pointed something over my shoulder, I turned to looked, and everything went black, I didn't pass out or anything, my eyes was just covered.

"What the heck! Philip take this off of me!" the started moving again.

A few minutes later, the car stopped. I heard a car door shut. Another opened and someone pulled me out of the car. I was pulled close to the person. I smelled colon. Just like Philip wore last time. We got in a building, It felt like it. Philip had to push something. We started walking up a lot of steps. Philip had to open something again, and it felt like we were outside again. He took the thing that covered my eyes off, blindfolds. I looked around and it looked like we were on the roof top of a building.

There was trees all around. It made it look kind of dark. Philip looked at me and smiled. He took my hand. "Come here."

He took me to the middle, and there was a swing hanging on the tree branch. He went on it and swung. I chuckled. He looked like a little boy. He stopped and took my hand and made me go on it. He gave me a pushed. It was so much fun.

"What building is this?" I asked looking down. I saw people walking.

"My friend's older brother's apartment. Me and my friend hung out here on the roof a lot. That swing, we made it. He was like my brother." He said from behind.

"Was? What happened?" I asked turning to him.

"So you had fun here, right?" He said grinning. He changed the subject. Okay, maybe it's personal.

"Uh, yeah." I said

" You know, I know that you love going to rooftops, because you wrote about on your blog. I forgot what song it related to, but yeah." He said smiling.

"It wasn't related to a song, I just wanted to write how much I love hanging out at rooftops. It's just so magical. My room, if you open one of the windows, you can go out and lay on the roof. I did that when I was little. I went out at night, and looked at the stars. It was so magical." I said smiling at the floor. I looked up and saw him starring at me. I looked away.

"You wrote that too." He chuckled.

"Man, I think I should check my blog." I said feeling dumb.

I was sitting on the edge of the roof looking out. He walked up to me, and sat across from me and sat down too.

"Look at that view." I said feeling peace and calm, looking at the trees swaying and the birds flying and talking.

"That view is amazing, but this other view, is stunning." Philip said looking at me. His eyes were sparkling. I got up and walked towards the door. I walked around the door.

Did he just say I was pretty. Okay, I understand that he's been hitting on me, but why is he trying so hard? I have had guys come up to me and ask me out, but I never had a real date, they were always with groups, though he would kiss me goodbye... on the cheek. But all these things he's been doing for me is really sweet. I had a fun here.

"Stef, let's go. This date isn't over yet. It's 2:35. One more place. It'll be really quick." I wanted to object again, but he took my hand and we went driving off.

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