Chapter 15

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A few minutes later, Phillip took his hands off and looked at me.

"Now that you know where I live, you're probably thinking about my parents... It's Saturday and they aren't home."

"Um, Danny told me the basics. Your mom is in jail... And your dad..."

"He died. From a heart attack. Since he smoked... A LOT."

Phillip looked at the floor, and rubbed his neck.

"I was really close to him. But he's gone. Now I'm the man in the house."

"Look, Phillip. Today has been a ruff day. Why don't you freshen up. And we go down to eat."

He shook his head. He opened the door.

"Mandy! Can you bring food up here, please."


He closed the door, and walked to his bathroom. I shook my head trying to think we can have fun a little bit now. I started looking at his room.

I got to his desk. Pretty normal room for Phillip. My foot then hit a book. I picked it up.

The notebook was filled with insanely amazing drawings. They were so perfect. Every little spot was filled with wonder. The bathroom door opened and he smiled and looked at the book. Phillip took the book out of my hand and closed it.

"Did you draw all of that? They are amazing!"

"Yeah, I stopped drawing a couple a years back. Not going back there."

"Phillip, you have a talent! Well, other than swimming; Phillip, you're a talented artist."

"Stef, please. I don't do art anymore..." He threw the book back down on the floor and kicked it under his desk.

"Knock, knock! I bring you food!" Mandy said coming in. Danny follows her.

"How you doing buddy?"

"Fine. I guess I just need to push the feeling away for a while."

"What? What feelings?" Mandy asked

"You know Jeremy's older brother, Bobby's apartment. Some people are going to destroy it."


"They need room, to make a park, or something like that."

"That's stupid!" Danny said.

"Well, I'm going to talk to my dad, seeing if he could do something about it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Stef's dad's like a business dude!"

I chuckled.

"Um, well, we will leave you to eat!" I said getting up.

"Stef. I got another plate for a reason..." Danny said smiling. Mandy and Danny left closing the door.

"I'm not that hungry." I said.

"Please. For me." He said begging. I sat down.

"We should play a game. I asked you a question about you, and you give me your answer, and then it's your turn. Okay?" I said

Phillip nodded. "Go first."

"Uh, favorite color?"

"Orange. Yours?"

"Green... No one really says orange. It's so alone, but it's an awesome color. Orange would be my second."

"I totally agree. Your turn."

"If you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"


I laughed. "What your only food be?" He asked.

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