Chapter 19

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"You can go take Phillip's old seat, which is right next to Steffani Jenkins. Wave Steffani, so he could see you."

I smiled and lifted my hand up. Why on earth would they changed Phillip's classes? It's June! Isn't that gonna screw everything up? This is messed up.

He walked over and smirked. "Hi, it's uh, nice to see you in class for a change."

I smiled. I still don't understand why the guidance counselor would change classes in June! It's the last month of school, really?

I nodded.

We all got to work. We got all the materials. I told Randy to start while I went to go to the bathroom. I really didn't go, I just was really shocked at what just happened. I went up to Danny's class. I really need to talk to him.

I saw him copying down things into his notebook. He looked to the side, where the door was and saw me. I waved and told him to come out here. It took a while to get the teacher's attention, but he go out.

"We gotta talk." We both said in sync. I chuckled. "You go first." We both said again. We both laughed. I tell him go, and we started walking.

"So, about me and Mary." He said looking down at the floor as we walk.

"Did you answer her? Did she even call?" I almost forgot! All this Randy stuff was getting in the way.

"she did call... I didn't pick up." Danny said looking at me, stopping.

"Dan. I'm sorry. But I guess that would explain why I didn't see you and Mary sitting together back in that class."

"She didn't come to school today." Mary too, what's going on?

"Can I ask why, you didn't pick up."

"I don't really know. I guess, if we got back together, she would still be doing all this. Thinking about our future, and she picks on your love life too much, and I don't like the way she's doing it."

"Hey, hey. Dan, I'm the one the set you too up. It's my fault, and I didn't mind her picking on me. Okay yes, it did get annoying, but it's what Mary been do too. I'm used to it."

"Uh, what did you wanna tell me?" He continued to walk, I caught up with him.

"Right. Well, it turns out that Randy is in my chemistry right now."

"Um, not seeing that big picture here."

"Right. The teacher read a paper that said something about Phillip not attending this class anymore, and that Randy is the replacement... It kind of stupid, cause it's June for crying out loud. Like what's going on with our school."

"Maybe they found that Phillip not doing really well in chemistry, so they put him in a different class. He wasn't here for this whole school year by the way, so it could be a possibility."

"Yeah, but he wasn't in advanced writing class either." I stated.

"Same thing. He might be flunking and has been switched classes."

"No new kid came in our writing class."

"Stef. What are getting at?"

"I'm. I'm worried about him. I know about his family and stuff, and we last spent a night at the stars on my roof yesterday, and he said he would see me at school tomorrow. It's tomorrow. I'm worried."

Dan looked at me oddly.

"Oh. My. God. No!!! I'm turning into those girls! Those- those girls that are so clingy on guys when they promise something they would do, but don't! No! No. I. I promised myself, if I liked a guy and we were together, that I wouldn't be like this! No! Help me Danny! Please!" I started having a panic attack.

Dan still didn't say anything. He was just starring at me.

"Wait. You're right. He's totally okay! I have nothing to worry about. Calm yourself, Stef." I started breathing in and out.

"I knew that whole "starring" trick would work!" Danny smirked.

"That's why you're my buddy!" I said back.

We got back to our classes, just in time before the bell rang. Surprisingly, Randy did everything about the experiment. And did everything, even wrote the observations down and answered questions. For both of our papers. I feel really bad, and guilty. My guilt was killing me. Darn my nice-ness.


So it's official, that Dan and Mary are done. What's this with Randy and Phillip, and lets just talk about the retarded school she goes too: they change someone's class in June... Oh well.



Tell me what you think's going to happen! Make predictions!!

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