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•••Jess's POV•••

   For what seemed like almost hours into the night I wandered aimlessly through the night. I was so glad that I made sure to grab a jacket to wear, otherwise this cold crisp air would have taken me out as soon as I ran away. 

   As I walk down the street I start to brainstorm ways that people get around, and then I start to think of ways that I can get around. I remember seeing a yellow cab ride around our street every now and again in the window. I know i'm still in Doncaster, but I know I haven't seen that many cabs around here.

   I could always try to do that thing where I just hitch a ride with the closest person to me. Whats that called again? I think it may be Hitchhiking. Just as soon as I started to think of hitchhiking around my stomach sank. I realized then that that would not be the smartest idea.

   What will I do after I find my way around? I have nowhere to go... The only thing I know is that the only other person that could possibly help me has no idea that I exist. Even though it was a long shot I know I have to try something. 

   I pulled out my mothers old phone from my pocket and let myself into it after a few failed attempts on the password. Surprisingly the one that worked happened to be my birthday. 

   I go to google and look up the closest One Direction concert, and just my luck, there was one tomorrow in the next town over. I then search up hotels close to the venue, and then book myself a night there. 

   Just as I seem to be getting wrapped up in all of the arrangements I was trying to make in such a short time, a pair of lights came into my view. As the lights got closer I realized they were car headlights. My heart started pounding a bit harder in my chest than it was before. When the car was completely in view, I see the yellow checker on the top. 

Midnight Cab Service was unscripted on the side of the cab as it approached me. I honestly was not sure what to make of what was happening. It just seemed like everything was moving a mile a minute and my brain couldn't keep up with it.

I had to do something before the cab got too close or passed me before I even got the chance to beckon for it. I was steady thinking to myself that I have to go for it. I tried to think of ways to call the cab to me. Then I remembered in a movie mother used to watch that the main character used to stick out their thumb to call for the taxi.

   Taking a deep breath, I stick my thumb out into the cold air. Thankfully the cab stopped for me, and the driver started to wind her window down. The lady in the front seat looked at me with a huge smile on her face. Her smile was very comforting to me right now. with everything that was happening in my mind right now, it was nice to see a gentile face.

   "Where you headed to little miss?" she says softly to me sensing a bit of uneasy feelings from me. I show her the address to the hotel that I just booked "is it possible to take me here?" I say returning her smile. She nods back at me "Of course I can, love! Hop in." she says to me.

   I get into the back of the car and fasten myself in. She starts the meter up for me and then we start our way to the hotel.

   While she is driving she takes a few glances at me through the rearview mirror. I catch her looking at me one time, and then I speak up. "Is everything okay, ma'am?" I say to her slightly concerned. She nods and then chuckles a bit saying "Im just trying to figure out why you're out here all alone in the middle of the night like this.".

   I look out of the window for a few seconds and then I look at the meter as it runs. "Honestly, I a, just starting my new life." I say to her honestly. "Hmm, I see..." she says as we pull up to the hotel.

   "Just be careful out here little miss...You know what? Don't you worry about paying for this ride, its on me...You just have a good night" She says with a smile. 

   I get out of the car and wave her off as she drives away. When she's good and out of the distance, I walk inside of the hotel lobby and up to the receptionist desk. 

   After paying for my night in the hotel I collect my key from the lady at the front desk, and then make my way to the room that I had paid for. When I get up to the room, I lock the door behind me and drop my things on the floor. I quickly run to the bed and plop down in the center. 

   A deep breath of relief swept over me knowing that I can enjoy a night of sleep without being waken up by my mother, or the alcohol bottles that would be smashed on the ground. I can finally rest up and be myself.

   A little bit into laying down I take out my phone to purchase tickets to the One Direction concert tomorrow night. I start to think to myself...I won't be able to see him with just a regular ticket will I...As I scroll down a little further, I see a meet and greet front row ticket with just one left to purchase. I quickly get the ticket for myself, and then put my phone down on the table next to me.

   Shortly after winding down in the bed, I find myself fast asleep.

The Next Morning...   

On waking up the next morning, the first thing that comes to mind is... What the hell am I going to say to Louis when I see him?

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Tia xx

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