Chapter 22

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So I'm slightly annoyed because I will not be finishing this story today. -_-

Why? Because I have a movie to go see this afternoon, which will cut two hours of my writing time out.

HOWEVER. We are two chapters away from the grand finale. ^_^ I say it like it's a big event, which it could be, or maybe not. I'm still not sure about a sequel. We'll see how readers respond to this.


It was Thursday, one day away from Homecoming. Drake still had not revealed the surprise in store for me. Which was driving me insane. Why? I was impatient. That's why. Now, enough of my obsession.

Everyone was gearing up for tomorrow. Homecoming King & Queen still haven't been revealed. Apparently there is one for each grade. There should only be one in my opinion.

Anyway, it was spirit week, and our school was going full out. Today was stripper day, courtesy of student council, utterly defying school staff. In other words, today was complete havoc. Students were being pulled from class left and right, for the first two periods. After that, teachers gave up, as every student who went to this school was dressed against the dress code. Naturally, I felt the need to be involved. I assumed the sophomore class would be expecting me to be slutty as ever. Did I dress according to their wishes? Absolutely not.

I had gone to the dressing room, and gotten my body-suit and the heels from our dance performance on Tuesday. It fit the category of stripper, perfectly, without exposing too much of myself. Apparently it was distracting to various students though. Can you believe it? Yeah, neither can I.

When I first walked in, I was stunned to see some of the costumes I saw. You might has well of been running a sex club for the way people were acting. It was disgusting in my opinion. Although, I shouldn't be talking, because I was obsessed with Drake.

If you saw your boyfriend with no shirt, khaki shorts that were hanging off his hips, high tops, and flat-bill hat, wouldn't you be obsessed a bit? I couldn't help but stare. Not to mention the fact that the shorts hugged his ass real nice, which was seductive, and distracting. Way to distract me. Thanks.

The day went by quickly, and I didn't want it to end. It was funny to see how people dressed, and fun to flirt around with everyone, as the big joke. By tomorrow, we'd all be proper students again. Now let me ask you, if you had one day, where EVERYONE was going to dress and act the same, wouldn't you enjoy it? Maybe not, but you'd be missing out.

I made my way to lunch, where people were grinding, and not just couples, it was spreading around, whoever you could take. That was gross, and I wanted no part of it. Any guy who wasn't Drake, who tried to grind on me, would get a good kick in their dick from my heels. Don't test me.

"Hey babydoll." Kim winked when I found her.

"Hello everybody!" I winked, sitting down. Our tables had been painted with the school logo and colours. Our school colours consisted of black, silver, and a fire orange. It was mesmerizing. Our school logo consisted of two Hollywood floodlights, and a shadow of a red carpet and the velvet rails that enclosed them. We were that high-class, preppy school. However, to just stare at the colours were an enchantment of their own. The way the orange shadowed against black, how silver shined through the darker colours, exposing every last detail and artist would leave in their signature recreation of our school logo.

Who was our mascot? Well, we didn't have a mascot. Not that we needed one of course, our students were mascots for our school. Beacon Heights was something else. Anyway, that was irrelevant to our conversation.

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