Chapter 11

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Alright, so, here we are in chapter 11. I have no idea what I'm doing except for the party so far. Let's see how this goes I suppose.

Just a little side note, Matt was going to be gone for two days after Wednesday, so he won't be home tonight either....well not completely anyway.

You'll see what I mean :)


A.N extension

~Kameron C. gagnam style's in the street, in front of Kristen's house then leaves~


Friday night rolled around after two good days, where I didn't have to deal with Cooper, my parents, or Matt. It was bliss in other words.

Around 9:00 I was ready to go. I had dressed myself similar to the last party.

I walked outside, where Drake was waiting. He was wearing black khaki shorts, and a sash that was wrapped around his waist. It was yummy in other words.

"You ready for this?" he asked.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life." I answered, beaming. It was going to be a great night.


We arrived to the party around 9:30, and this party was a lot more intense than the last one.

"Come on." Drake said, excited, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.

I laughed as he dragged me through the crowd. He pulled me right onto the dance floor, and wrapped his hands around my waist, so I did the most natural thing. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you for coming." he whispered into my ear.

"Thank you for inviting me." I said, smiling shyly at him.

We danced for a good hour or so before my legs became tired. When they finally gave out, he carried me to the bar.

"Two Cokes." he said to the bartender, who just nodded.

"Hey!" somebody walked up to Drake.

"Jason!" Drake exclaimed.

"How are you man?" Jason asked.

"Good, you?"

"Just fine, thank you."

"Hey, this is Kristen, my girlfriend that you wanted to meet." Drake nodded toward me.

"Hey there baby." he winked at me.

"Hey there." I winked back, a good bit more seductive than I intended.

"How do you like the party?" he asked me.

"It's one hell of a time." I said, still exhausted from the dancing.

"Well good, that's what we intended." he said, then he said to Drake, "Hey, I've got something to show you. I'm going to borrow your boyfriend for a little while okay?" the last part was directed at me.

"That's fine." I laughed, I couldn't be obsessive now could I?

Drake and Jason walked off, so I decided to explore the party a little more. I made my way through the flood of people and walked outside where a pool was located, people swimming and other stuff. I'm pretty sure there were some people skinny dipping, but I had no care to find out.

There were beer kegs everywhere, teenagers drunk and dancing, and just being stupid. What could you expect from the party life?

I walked around the house, observing all sorts of crazy events. At one point I saw beer pong. This party was a little too crazy, and if some cranky neighbor got mad, we'd all be in for it.

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