Chapter 1

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Ugh... I cannot believe I have to go to a new school and have to make new friends. God, I hate my parents. I don't hate my parents; I just hate that we moved. I was doing completely fine back in New York; thank you very much. I mean, we don't even know anyone who lives in Chicago.

Anyway, I had to leave my best friend, Jordan. I'm so upset about it. I mean, I tell him everything, and he doesn't judge me. I mean, I was involved with some messed up shit, and I lost a lot of friends because of it, but he was the only one that stayed.

"Jessica, honey, come and help me cook dinner." My mom yelled from the kitchen. I quickly went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"Nothing now. So... How do you like Chicago so far?"

"It's okay; it's not New York," I mumbled.

"You know that we left New York to benefit you, so you won't continue to get in trouble. You should be thanking me." She said with a stern voice.

"I was fine. It was a few things nothing major mom. I'm 17 years old. I don't need you breathing down my throat every second of the day." I said.

"Whatever, go set the table and wake your dad up." She whisper.

I didn't mean to be harsh. But I mean seriously, ever since my brother passed away, she's been a complete pain in the ass. I hate it. She was always protective, but now she doesn't want me to leave the house. It's very suffocating. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but she can very annoying. I went into the living room to go wake my dad up.

"Dad.....Dad wake up. Time for dinner." I said while shaking him.

"Okay. Okay I'm awake now." He said, getting up and brushing his clothes off.

"Let's go." I said.

After dinner

I walked up to my room after dinner, and plopped on the bed. My room is excellent, a lot better looking than the one in New York. This house is a lot bigger too. I actually have my own bathroom attached to my room. My parents room is close to the stairs, so if there ever was an intruder, my dad would know. We have a five bedroom house. Which I don't know why. There is only three of us living here.

I still have boxes all over my room, that needs to be unpacked. I shot Jordon a text letting him know that I start school tomorrow. While waiting for his response, I decided I would go and shower. I have to get up for school at 6:30. My first class starts at 8:00 on the dot.

After my shower, I went into my room and checked my phone. Jordon still hasn't responded. Sighing through my nose, I plugged my phone up, and decided I should go to sleep. I took forever for sleep to hit me.


Another night coming home wasted. Another night sneaking in, and trying not to get caught by my mom and Robbie.

Not that I give a fuck about Robbie, but I care about my mom. I love her, but I hate the prick she got married to.

He's an abusive asshole. I try all the time to get my mother to leave him but she never listens. The only good thing that came out of my mother marrying Robbie, was his cute daughter Emily. She's such a cute pie.

Walking into the kitchen, more like tripping into the kitchen, I jumped when I cut the light on. Staring at me is a pissed off Pattie.

"Do you know what time it is? I've been worried sick about you." She folded her arms over her chest.

"Sorry mom. I was hanging out with my friends." By hanging out I mean smoking, drinking, fucking.

"I don't give a damn. If you are going out, I need you to let me know." She stood up and walked over to me. "You stink off beer and smoke. You know how much I hate when you go out and do stuff like this." She grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at her.

"I know mom. I'll try to do better." I moved out of her grip and walked over to the fridge. Knowing the speech she's about to give me, I grabbed some chips and a bottle of Pepsi.

"You say that all the time. Yet you never show much growth. I love you Justin, but if you continue down this road..." She just shook her head. "Just... do better. I love you too much to see you break yourself apart."

She kissed my jaw, and walked over to her cup and placed it in the sink.

"I will try my hardest mom. I swear. I love you." I kissed her head.

"I love you too." She smiled and left me in the kitchen.

I took my chips up stairs to my room, and stripped out of my clothes. I laid on my bed, and ate my chips. It wasn't long before I was consumed by sleep.


I'm taking my time editing my books. It might take a while but I hope it's good. I'm adding stuff to them or I'm deleting stuff. I will try to edit it quickly. Please read, vote, comment. 🧡

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