Part 3 | denial

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Kyungsoo paused and refrained from opening the door. 'Yes, Jongin?' he asked.

'I er..' Kai began. He was starting to panic. A bead of sweat slid down his forehead. He rarely called him his real name. 'Hah um.' Kai's heart was beating really quickly now. He was afraid that Kyungsoo would be able to hear it. His hands began to become clammy, his throat was dry and his cheeks were hot. It felt as if a truck load of embarrassment hit him at full speed on a motorway. Unable to express his feelings with ease, he grew angry. 'You know what, forget it. You can go now' he snapped.

Kyungsoo, however didn't. He stood there with his hand still on the door knob. His confident friend was crumbling away before his eyes but he couldn't do anything to save him. He just stood there watching Kai's once perfect lips tremble.

'Why won't he look at me?' Kyungsoo thought to himself.

Kai's eyes were stained red from crying and endless sleepless nights. The books were the only thing that had his attention at this point. He continued to stare at them. He didn't want Kyungsoo to see him this weak and vulnerable.

Feeling somber, Kyungsoo opened the door and exited Kai's room without a word. The door was shut softly behind him.

'I'm sorry' Kai whispered. Slowly shuffling towards his bed, he found the picture of them two placed on it as Kyungsoo had left it. There was a faint aroma of Calvin Klein One from where Kyungsoo had sat. It's the only perfume he ever wears especially since it is his favourite. The scent was making Kai uneasy and even more regretful at how he treated Kyungsoo.

'FOR FUCK SAKE' Kai shouted as he scrunched the polaroid up and threw it at the wall. He got up from his bed and walked to his notice board. Once covered in photographs and postcards, it was now stripped bare. The floor was covered with the addition of rough balls of paper and card as well as the items from his desk.

Pounding the wall with his fist, Kai slid down and crouched on the floor. His arms were folded with his chin resting on them. Whilst taking in his new surroundings, a sense of guilt provoked him. He felt bad for causing a scene in the kitchen. He felt bad for ruining his photos. But he mostly felt bad for snapping at Kyungsoo.

Sooner or later he would have to tidy his room but for now he decided that he ought to cool down and think things through properly. Going on a walk around the block would give him the opportunity to do so. He therefore grabbed a black hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. He opened his bedroom door and then legged it down the stairs, attempting to avoid his house mates. Grabbing his Roshe Runs, he quickly puts them on on top of a pair of socks he put on whilst running down the stairs.

Everyone seemed to be in the living room watching a rerun of The Return of Superman or something. It was one of the many shows that they all watched religiously, especially since every week Chanyeol would insist on putting it on.

Successfully avoiding them all, he approached the front door. It was locked. 'Shit' Kai muttered under his breath. He had left his keys thrown somewhere on his bedroom floor. Risking being caught again, he went back up the stairs to collect them. Half way up he was stopped by someone standing directly in front of him who was going down the stairs. It was Kyungsoo.

'Where are you going?'

'Out' Kai said bluntly.

'Me too' he replied.

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